Unbreakable Bonds

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                Growing up, Braya wanted nothing more than to be a bender. When the conclusion was made that Braya was a non-bender, she was devastated. No matter how upset Braya felt; though, she could always find comfort in her older brother Bumi. Bumi had been born a non-bender as well, but he never let that get him down. Even though Bumi was older than Braya, as small children they had a bond that was untouchable. Braya always felt like an outsider in her own family. She knew she was adopted; Aang and Katara had always been honest about that. Being adopted had nothing to do with her feelings; however, a lot of it came from not living up to her parent's expectations. Aang wanted an air bender so bad that when Tenzin displayed the ability, he focused much of his attention to teaching Tenzin the way of the air nomads. Being a non-bender required little attention, so Braya and Bumi were often left to themselves while the other children learned to control their talents. Bumi taught Braya to take the time alone to find her own talents. Together the two were each other's main motivators and supports.

For a while, focusing on her own strengths was enough to keep busy, but some days that wasn't enough. Competing for time with Aang and Katara, especially after they started training Kya and Tenzin, made Braya feel lonely. She would often find herself spending time with Lin and Suyin, since Toph worked long hours. Lin didn't pay much attention to Braya when she was around. She was focused on her plans to one day be the chief of Republic City. The main connection Braya made being around the two Beifong girls was with Su. Spending the time they did together, Su came to admire Braya. She was the older sister Suyin always wanted. Someone motivated and strong, but not too consumed in her goals to notice her little sister.

Braya tried to be a good sister for Su like Kya was for her. Even when Kya spent most of the day training with Katara, she would always make sure to spend time with Braya after. Kya was more than just a sibling to Braya; she was her best friend. When Kya wasn't training, the two girls would be together. Usually, after Tenzin was done training with Aang, he would join them also. He admired both Kya and Braya and would follow them wherever they went.

By the time Braya started her freshman year of high school, she had excelled in all her classes. The teachers would speak highly of her and expected her to graduate at the top of her class. Republic City's school offered classes for both benders and non-benders. This way everyone could learn in an environment together. Although the idea was good, having benders with non-benders didn't always work out well. Some benders would use their abilities to threaten non-benders to do things for them such as homework. Even though Braya was a non-bender, she didn't have any problems with the benders. Braya was very pretty; she had long blonde hair, dark grey eyes, and was tall and lean. Being pretty was only part of what kept Braya out of trouble; her personality was the main reason. She was very genuine, honest, driven, and strong-willed. Anyone who met Braya ended up loving her.

Braya went to school with Bumi, Kya, and Lin. She didn't share any classes with them, except for one class with Lin. Braya and Lin shared physical education class together. Out of all her classes she hated this one the most. The non-benders always had a choice if they wanted to join in on the game for the day or run around the track. Since the benders weren't stopped from using their bending, they always had an unfair advantage, making the game dangerous for non-benders. Braya always opted for a few laps around the track.

Katara was always the first to ask the children how school was when they got home. Braya always answered with the same, "It was good," before heading to her room. There she would stay until either Kya came home from training, or she heard Toph come home from work. Toph always had the best stories about her day at work. Braya heard a light tap on her door. "Come in!" Braya said.

Tenzin opened the door. "Hey, mom wanted me to tell you that dinner is ready."

"Oh, thank you," Braya said. "I'll be out in just a few minutes." Tenzin nodded and closed the door. A few minutes later, Braya was joining the rest of the family at the dinner table.

The adults were abnormally quiet at dinner. Bumi was the first to point out the awkward silence very loudly. Aang looked at Toph. They were communicating without speaking. Finally, Toph spoke. "I have something I need to talk to you kids about." As everyone looked at her, she continued, "I want everyone coming straight home from school until I tell you otherwise."

"What? No way! How am I going to train?" Lin said, furious with her mother.

"You will have to train at home. Right now, things aren't safe for you kids," Katara said, joining the conversation.

"What do you mean, not safe? What is going on?" Braya said curiously.

"There have been a series of kidnappings in the city. It seems like every month another child is taken. Everyone taken has been in the same age range as you kids. It's better to be safe than sorry," Toph said firmly.

"So, you have no idea where the kids went?" Braya said.

"No, we don't," Aang said, interrupting Toph from saying anything more on the subject. Braya could tell Aang was lying. "All right, everyone off to bed."

Braya went to her room but didn't go to bed. Instead of sleeping, she sat next to her door, listening to the adults talk in the living room.

"Have you found out why the kids are being taken, Toph?" Katara said, continuing the conversation from dinner.

"My undercover agents haven't been able to find much. The only bit of information we have received was from a victim. After a few months of being gone, the bodies usually turn up around the city. All of them so far have been dead, except for one. A male turned up outside the city limits, barely hanging on to life. Right before he died, he told me, 'The Guardian isn't safe.'" Toph stopped to take a drink of her coffee. "It makes no sense. No one alive today has seen the Guardian. I'm pretty sure there was never one to begin with."

"Well, Guardian or not, we need to focus on keeping Bumi and Braya safe,'' Sokka said, joining in. "I know you said for all the kids to be home after school, but it's really just those two we need to worry about".

"Wait, why just those two?" Katara said.

"Because everyone being taken has been a non-bender. It's creating quite the divide in the city, that's for sure," Toph said casually.

Braya had heard enough. She quietly walked to her bed and laid down. Looking at the ceiling, she thought about what she had just heard. Why were only non-benders being taken? What is the Guardian? She closed her eyes. She would investigate it tomorrow at school. 

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