Right Vs. Wrong

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Braya ate breakfast in silence. She then left alone to school, not wanting anyone to disturb her thoughts. She went through the day anxious, not sure what may happen during her P.E. class. She couldn't stand the thought that the three boys might bully someone else today. The bell for the end of class rang. She walked to the locker room as slowly as possible. After changing she walked out to the gym. The anxiety she had felt coming to class was intensified when she saw the boy cowering in the corner again. She watched as the boy pleaded with the bullies to stop hurting him, but they didn't listen. They laughed as the boy started to cry and call for help. Braya froze; what was she going to do? She couldn't stop them on her own.... but maybe she could stop the boy's pain.

Ning used his earthbending to break a chunk of rock off the wall. He smiled at the boy, then shot the rock powerfully at him. The boy closed his eyes waiting for the pain he saw coming his way. Everyone in the gym went quiet. He heard the rock hit something, but it wasn't him. He opened his eyes to see a figure standing in front of him. Braya had jumped in front of the rock, taking it straight to her chest. She could feel the air leaving her lungs as the rock hit her causing her fall to one knee. "Braya, what are you doing? Move out of the way! This doesn't concern you!" Ning said, furious with Braya intervening.

"No, I won't stand by and watch you do this anymore." Braya said, still trying to catch her breath.

"Get out of the way or I'll make you," Shu said, joining the conversation.

"Shut up, Shu. Braya, listen, I like you; you're one of the only non-benders I like. Don't be a fool and step aside," Ning said.

"That's funny because you're one of the only benders I don't like. I'm not changing my mind," Braya said with a faint smile. Braya's words infuriated Ning. With one swipe of his hands, he summoned another piece of rock from the wall and shot it at Braya. It hit her square in the nose, making blood drip down her shirt. The pain was intense, but she didn't move. She stood in front of the boy, determined to protect him with all she had. Another rock from Shu came flying at her, hitting her in the thigh. She wanted to dodge the rocks so bad, but she knew if she did, they would hit the boy behind her. Instead, she continued to take the hits. One after another, she felt the rocks cut and bruise her.

The last of the class was coming in now and with them was Lin. Lin looked over to see what the commotion was and saw a familiar face. Her stomach dropped. Braya's face was swollen, one eye hardly able to stay open, blood dripping everywhere. She was holding her stomach and was barely standing due to one leg having a broken knee cap. Even with her injuries, she didn't budge.

Braya took another rock to the stomach, making her collapse on the ground. She stared at the ground so close to her face. She had a strange but familiar feeling in her stomach. The same feeling she had the first time she saw the boy being bullied. It was like a small fire being started in the pit of her stomach. The burning grew hotter and hotter. Her hands started to shake, and her forehead started to sweat. She looked up, trying to ignore the burning in her stomach. She watched as all three boys prepared a rock to bend at her. In their minds, Braya had wronged them so she had to pay. They sent the rocks flying. The rocks got closer and closer.


A wall six feet high had risen from the ground. Braya was confused; where did this wall come from? As the wall slowly started to sink back into the ground, someone walked slowly in front of Braya and the boy. "I would think hard about your next move, boys, because I'm not going to be as easy to bully," Lin said, cracking her knuckles one at a time. The three boys looked at each other, silently communicating between them. All at once they pulled earth in the air to throw at Lin, but before they could, Lin had sent three large boulders hurtling towards them. Each boulder hit a boy square in the face, knocking them out cold.

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