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Graduation day arrived, and as expected Braya was the top of her class. Braya thought about what her next move might be. Would she leave Republic City? What career would she pursue? She thought about Lin and their future together. They still had not told anyone about their relationship. Braya wanted to tell Toph, since Toph had always looked out for her when she needed someone the most, but she just wasn't sure how to tell her.

Braya got ready for her graduation ceremony, and headed to the school with Lin. Everyone else went to the stands where the guests could watch. When the ceremony started all the students walked to their assigned seats. Once everyone was seated, Braya went to the front to give a speech to her graduating class. By the end of her speech everyone was ready for the next step. One by one each student walked to the front and was handed their diploma.

After the ceremony Katara, Aang and Toph threw a party for the two graduates. The air temple was full of friends, music, and good food. Once the party was over Braya and Lin set off to the school graduation party that was to last all night. Halfway to the party Braya grabbed Lin's hand and stopped. "I don't want to go to the party. Want to go somewhere where it can be just us?'' Braya asked Lin. Lin nodded and they turned around. Braya led Lin to a nice hotel that had rooms looking out at the water. Now that Braya and Lin were both eighteen they had no problems getting a room. They walked up to the second floor where their room was located and went inside. The curtains were open, letting the glow from the moon illuminate the room.

Braya walked over to the window to look at the full moon outside. Behind her Lin had just closed the door and turned to Braya. She couldn't help but admire Braya's beauty in the moonlight. She slowly walked over to Braya and took her hand. Braya noticed Lins touch and turned to look at her. Braya felt the same way Lin did. She thought to herself how lucky she could be to have someone like Lin. Braya grabbed Lins pockets on her pants and pulled her closer to her. Lin's body was pressing against Braya's while their foreheads rested against each other. Lin lifted her left hand and cupped Braya's face. She gently leaned in to kiss Braya softly on the lips. The kisses moved down from Braya's lips to her jawline, then down to her neck. Braya was going crazy feeling Lin's breath on her neck. Braya grabbed Lin and pushed her onto the bed. Upon mounting Lin, she immediately started kissing her again. Braya reached for the bottom of Lins shirt and started to pull up, exposing Lin's belly. To Braya's surprise a gentle hand stopped hers from advancing. Braya looked at Lin "Are you okay?"

"I couldn't be better," Lin said staring into Braya's eyes. Braya got off Lin and sat next to her on the bed.

"Did I do something wrong? Do you not want to do this?" Lin sat up and grabbed Braya's hand.

"I definitely want all of you and I want you to have all of me," Lin said hesitating to finish. "I know it might sound dumb, but I don't want our first time to be in a hotel room. I want our first time to be special." Braya thought about what Lin said. She was right. They hadn't even said I love you to each other yet, and if she wasn't ready for I love you then she wasn't ready for this. "Besides there is no way I'm going to go this far with you, with no one knowing about our relationship. You deserve respect, and I can't feel like I have respected you, if I'm having sex with you when I haven't told you I love you, told my mom about our relationship, or supplied a proper place for our first time."

"How about we lay down and I will hold you all night instead?" Braya said smiling at Lin. She admired Lin for caring so much about respecting Braya's body.

"Well, ill hold you. There is no way I'm letting you be the big spoon," Lin said smiling back. Braya laid down and Lin pulled Braya into her body, holding her as they fell asleep.

The weeks following that night put a lot of strain on Braya and Lins relationship. Lin was training to go to the academy in Republic City while Braya was trying to decide what she wanted to do with her future. Braya went to Kya to talk about her plans, "You could always travel with me, Braya. You have to get out and see more than Republic City," Kya said.

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