An Unexpected Visitor

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Braya made it to the house and immediately started setting up the training area at the back of the house. She wanted everything she could possibly need during training at her disposal. Once she was done, she had a space professional trainers would envy. It started getting dark, so she went inside to arrange more furniture in the Livingroom. She had just set the coffee table when the lights in the house went out. Braya walked to the door and looked outside to see the houses next to hers were also dark. She walked to the kitchen to find some matches to light some candles.

Braya set all the candles in the Livingroom since she didn't have many of them. The room was dim but light enough to see where she was walking. She went to the master bedroom at the end of the hall and grabbed a blanket. She sat down on the couch and wrapped herself in the blanket. The rain hitting the house and the dark surrounding her was starting to play games with her mind. She knew she wasn't in the cell, but she couldn't shake the feeling that she was back in the bunker. Her breathing started to grow heavier, and anxiety started to take control.




Startled Braya looked at the door. Who could that be? The door cracked open. "Braya! Are you here?"

"In the Livingroom!" Braya yelled back. The door shut and Lin came walking into the room. "Lin? What are you doing here?"

"A power line went down on this side of town. I went to go and check on you at the temple, but they said you were here. I told them I would make sure you were okay. I know you don't do well with rain and dark places," Lin said. Braya motioned for Lin to take a seat next to her on the couch.

"Yeah, I wasn't doing so hot there for a minute. Good timing," Braya said smiling at Lin.

"Hey, I just wanted to apologize for the other day at the beach. I should have told Kaili she couldn't come."

"Why do you allow her to treat you that way? And has she always treated your family like that?"

"She never got along with my mom. It bothered me but we all know how my mom can be at times. I guess I allowed it because she was the only person, I wouldn't have to put any effort into."

"What do you mean?"

"When I thought you died, I didn't care to be with anyone. If I had to move on, then I wanted someone who didn't need me to be there. They would just be okay if one day I disappeared. That was Kaili. Even when we were intimate, I didn't want her doing anything to me." The thought of Lin being with someone else tore Braya apart. They sat in silence for a while before Braya spoke again.

"Do you want to marry her?"


"Why be with her?"

"I never screwed anything up with her," Lin paused. "I told mom about her as soon as we started dating. I had her around my family. I treated her well, so she had no reason to hate our relationship. I owed her for getting me through that time."

"Did you ever think about us?"


"You ever wonder what could have been?"

"All the time," a long silence broke out again. Lin stood up, "Well I better get to the office. I'm sure there are plenty of reports I can help mom with. Are you going to be, okay?" Braya nodded and Lin walked out the front door. She sat on the couch thinking about how Lin said she had thought about her every day. Maybe there was something between them after all this time. The love Braya felt for Lin hadn't faded so was it the same for Lin? Was she letting the love of her life get away? Braya stood up and ran to the door. Lin was still within the gates of her property, shielding her head from the rain. "Lin!" Braya yelled. Lin turned around instantly and jogged back to Braya. She stood on the steps looking at Braya with worry, "What's wrong Braya?"

"I don't want you to go," Braya said quickly.

"You don't want me to go? Why?" Lin said slightly confused.

"Because I don't want you to go back to Kaili. I don't want you to kiss her anymore. I don't want you to touch her anymore. I want you to be with me. I want you to kiss me and touch me. I have wanted you since we were in high school. I wanted to be with you and only you. Our chance was taken from us, and I want it back. Your beautiful, smart, strong and everything I have ever wanted. Please Lin, don't go, be here with me. I love you; I want you to love and choose me back." Tears started forming in Braya's eyes. She had just laid all her emotions out for Lin. Lin stood on the steps in shock, not saying anything. "Please say something," Braya started to say but before she could finish Lin had pulled Braya in for a kiss. Lin's lips on hers gave Braya butterflies. She grabbed Lin's shirt and pulled her body closer. This action caused Lin to pick Braya up by her thighs and carry her inside, kicking the door shut behind her. She pressed Braya up against the wall and continued to kiss every part of her face and neck.

Every time Lin kissed her neck, she felt her body get hot. Everything about Lin turned her on and having her pressed against her made her body react. She grabbed the bottom of Lin's shirt pulling it over her head and throwing it on the ground. Immediately, she started feeling around Lin's abdomen and breast. When she slid her hand up her bra Lin bit Braya's lower lip causing her to moan softly. She could feel as Lin's body went weak for a second after she moaned. Lin pulled away from the wall and carried Braya down the hall to the master bedroom. She laid her down on the bed gently before going for the button on Braya's pants. After Lin had taken her pants off Braya sat up and started working on Lin's pants. Braya pulled them down far enough for Lin to kick them off. Quickly Braya found her shirt on the ground and Lin on top of her kissing her belly.

Suddenly Lin stopped. "Should I close the curtains, so you don't have to see my scar? The moon is bright tonight." Braya leaned up and kissed along her scar. "I want to see your face," Braya said softly in Lin's ear. Braya could feel as Lin's body tensed to what she said. Lin dropped back down to her stomach and kissed all the way down to her underwear. She kissed back up to her bra and took it off revealing Braya's breast. Lin cupped her breast while she sucked on her nipples. Braya's breathing started getting heavier and heavier each time Lin sucked on her nipple. She could feel as Lin's hand made its way down to her underwear pulling them off. Braya returned the favor by taking off Lin's bra and underwear as well.

Lin started grinding on Braya as she kissed her lips. Braya wrapped her legs around Lin's waist as she rubbed against her. Finally, Braya wanted to take control. She grabbed Lin's shoulder and flipped her on her back. Lin was taken by surprise but did not fight it. Instantly Braya kissed down her belly and to her soft lady region. Braya used her tongue to taste the juices between Lin's legs. She let her tongue explore before sucking on her hard clit. Lin's back arched as she moaned with pleasure. As she sucked more and more on her she felt as Lin's body tensed. When her body started to shake, Lin's moan was uncontrollable while she orgasmed. Lin's body relaxed before grabbing Braya and getting on top of her. She gently inserted a finger inside of Braya and massaged gently. She then started to rub her thumb on her clit, as she sucked on Braya's nipples. It didn't take long for Braya to orgasm. After watching Lin being pleasured, she was ready.

Lin crawled up to be eye level with Braya. They both got under the covers and stared at each other. "Braya, I love you," Lin said as she caressed Braya's face. Braya moved, wrapping herself around Lin and kissing her. They held each other while kissing for hours. When exhaustion took over Lin held Braya while they slept, giving Braya the best sleep she had yet. 

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