The Last Stand

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The plane was taking longer to get in the air than Braya would like. Gang's army was heading towards them and quick. "Everyone get on the plane," Braya said to Aang and Toph who were refusing to get on the aircraft without Braya.

"We aren't getting on the plane without you Braya," Toph said forcefully.

"You won't but I need you on the plane Toph. Please, I will deal with these guys," Braya responded.

She walked towards the army heading towards them. Lifting both hands she focused on all her anxiety. She felt the power surging through her body as she turned her hands. The earth started to split between Braya and her family and the army heading for them. The army stopped at the edge of the deep pit created between them. She then focused on all her anger she had from the last three years. Fire burned at her fingertips. She shot large fire balls to the other side making them retreat.

Finally, the plane was ready to go. Braya jumped on and the plane started to lift. A few feet off the ground Braya felt the plane shake. She looked out the door to see Gang using his earthbending to send rock shards at the plane. Braya looked around. If the plane went down everyone on it would die. She knew what she had to do. She jumped out of the door landing in front of Gang. Everyone on the plane panicked. As they tried to figure out a way to get Braya back, Braya was on the ground fighting with Gang.

She sent her own rock shards covered in flames at Gang. The battle was evenly matched until Braya made it close enough to fight with Gang hand to hand. She was much quicker and better trained in close combat. She kicked Gang's kneecap in breaking it and sending him to the ground. When he hit the ground, Braya started punching him mercilessly, until his eyes were swollen shut. After his body had fallen flat against the ground she continued kicking and punching his body. Then she felt an arm wrap around her. She looked up to see Lin suspended from the plane by her metal wires. They both shot up into the plane. Lin moved back to the front and steered the plane towards home.

Braya's hands were dripping blood on the way home. She had cut open her knuckles beating Gang the way he had always beat her. She blankly stared at the wall while the blood dripped from her hands. Kya walked over and sat in front of Braya. "Let me see your hands," Kya said softly to Braya. Braya gave Kya her hands and watched as Kya took the water from the pouch on her hip and used it to heal Braya's knuckles.

"You should be with mom," Braya said.

"Mom is sleeping. I've done what I can for now. She will be okay. We have a few hours before we are home, so I'm going to heal your hands," Kya said sternly to Braya. Braya noticed Kya staring at her off and on. It made Braya uncomfortable, like something was wrong with her.

"Why do you keep staring at me?" Braya looked around to see other eyes also staring at her. "Actually, why is everyone staring at me?"

"I'm sorry, it's just we didn't think we would ever see you again," Kya said with sadness in her voice.

"You guys really gave up on me?" Braya said feeling defeated.

"No, we would never give up on you. Gang sent us a corpse that looked like you and said he killed you. We had a funeral and everything. Noone was the same after."

"You didn't realize the corpse wasn't me?" Braya said taken back.

"They said they had burned you alive. The body was so burned it was impossible to question If it was really you or not. They put your clothes with it and everything." Braya recalled the young girl she had seen being taken to the room to be killed. She understood how everyone could believe it was her, but she still hurt thinking about the time that was lost with her family. Braya sat in silence the rest of the way home.

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