Caged secrets

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Braya froze as she was face to face with a little girl about six years old. The little girl stared but didn't move. The cage was full of a few dozen people, men, women and children. Braya waved at her slowly. The little girl still did nothing but stare. A man from across the cage moved quickly to grab the girl. "Please not her. You can have me instead." Many of the women and children started crying but did not move. "Shhh." Braya said as she placed her finger to her mouth. "I'm here to get you out of here." The man looked shocked, "out of here?" Braya nodded. "Where is the key for the lock?" The man shook his head. "It's no use the guards have them. They always carry them.

Braya didn't want a run in with any of the guards, so she had to improvise. Walking over to the lock she grabbed it with both hands, "it's going to get hot, so get as far away as possible, ok?" Braya whispered. Everyone moved back as far as they could. Braya produced the hottest flames she could and held on to the lock. After several minutes the lock started to melt. Pieces of metal started dropping to the floor. Finally, the lock was gone. Braya opened the cage door, "I know a way out follow me."

Braya led them up the passageway. She looked ahead to make sure the area was clear before moving forward with everyone. When they made it to the room where the men were sleeping, they quietly walked by it. They walked up the passageway where she pushed the counter over so they could get out. One by one they climbed out of the hole.

She could hear the scientist talking to himself in a nearby bedroom. I checked all those rooms, no one uses them. Where is he then? "He paces" the man said to Braya. "When he is upset, he works and paces. We do not have long especially if he decides to work tonight." Braya nodded. The last person came out and they closed the door. Braya instructed them to follow her to the basement. They did as she asked and followed her.

Once she made it into the basement she turned to face the group. "This is our way out. I'm going to help you through the window. Considering how malnourished you all are, it shouldn't be an issue for any of you. Once you are out, there is a road. Follow the road until you see the town. Don't stop running until you are in town. Got it?" Everyone nodded. Braya motioned for the first person to come over so she could boost them out the window. One by one they crawled outside to their possible freedom. If they could all make it to town, they would be safe. The men went first so they could protect and guide the women and children on the way to safety. There were only three women in the group, and they were not doing well. Braya could tell they had been underfed and mistreated for too long. They needed medical attention, so the women went next.

As Braya started lifting each child out the window, she heard the scientist leave the room he was in. She could tell by the noise from the counter that he was in the kitchen going down through the secret passage. Braya panicked. Not only did she not know what was going on with the group outside, but she also had these children depending on her to get them out. It was only a matter of time before they discovered that the prisoners had escaped.

Six children left.

She could hear a commotion going on below them. "My laptop! Where are my things! Wake up you fools and check that damn cell door!"

Five children left.

She could hear frantic running. They were going to check on the prisoners who were no longer there.

Four children left.

"Check the whole house! I turned on the outside security system when we made it inside with the girl, so I know they aren't outside. They are hiding in here!" Braya couldn't focus on the fact that there was a security system outside she didn't know about. The fact the group had made it past them was a miracle. The system must be faulty. She grabbed the next child.

Three children left.

She could hear running up the stairs and the crashing of something barreling through the hidden door in the kitchen.

Two children left.

She's running out of time. She can hear as they make their way through the house checking every room. They are fast.

One child left.

The door slams open. They found her and the last remaining child. Two big men stand in the doorway. "There is only one here, search the rest." The man says. The second man turns and leaves quickly to search the rest of the house. The remaining man lunges towards the child. Braya instinctively gets between them to protect the child. Braya threw a punch and hit the giant in the face. She winced in pain, it felt like she had hit solid rock. He didn't even notice the punch. He shoves Braya out of the way as he goes for the child.

Slamming her foot down she created a wall separating him and the child. Angry he started to beat on the wall causing cracks to spread throughout. Braya shot a fireball at him causing a small burn on his body. The damage was minimal, but it got his attention. He turned and gave her a look that Braya knew very well. He was thinking of one thing.... her death.

He flung himself at her. Blocking the punches he was throwing at her were painful, they were like nothing she had ever experienced before. She shot fire in his face, but it only made him angrier. He landed a punch to Brayas body causing her to buckle over. She couldn't breathe. He grabbed her hair and slammed her back onto the floor. Grabbing her neck he started to squeeze. Braya fought but her resistance was futile. He squeezed harder, her vision was starting to go dark.

I need to do something. I must get myself out of this. No one is here to protect me. Fight.... fight just like at the bunker. I have to or I will die.

Braya turned her head, still fighting to breathe. She put her hand on the ground using the strength she had left to earthbend. She attempted to form a spike to use as a weapon, but the darkness was creeping in. Should I just give up? Is this the end for me? The little girl. What will happen to her? Tears started to form in her eyes as life faded from them.


Air filled her lungs as she struggled to inhale. She rolled over onto her hands and knees. Her vision started to clear with each deep breath she took. What happened? Braya thought to herself as she turned her head to look in the direction of where the man had been. There was a large hole in the wall. Even though she could hear a commotion going on nearby she could not see it. Gathering the strength she had she stood up. Taking another deep breath, she went towards the commotion to see what was happening.

Braya : The Lost GuardianWhere stories live. Discover now