A Horrific Discovery

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Braya woke up the next morning. She went with Lin to the beach, since it was the weekend and there was no training planned. She could see the back end of the house up on the hill from where she was at. Curiosity still plagued her. Maybe I'll just take a walk down the path tonight. I don't need to go in, I can just look at it.

That night when Lin went to bed Braya left. She walked to the outskirts of town and down the path leading up to the house on the hill. Braya was lost in thought when she heard a voice scream out "Help!" Braya looked around trying to find the source. She saw someone coming out of the nearby trees, so she hid herself. She watched as the scientist and a large, deformed man carried a young girl towards the house. She didn't recognize the man or the girl. Braya looked around. There is no way anyone from town heard that. It's too far away and the trees are too thick around here. Braya slowly followed them back to the house.

When they had made it inside, Braya stationed herself next to a window that the man and scientist were nearby. "Take her back to her cell, I'm done with her for tonight." The giant man nodded. Braya was horrified. She sat down on the ground contemplating what to do. She crept around the side of the house to the small window she had previously seen. She broke the lock as quietly as she could using a rock. Finally, the window was free to open. She slowly lifted while trying to peek inside to make sure no one was in the room or nearby. The room was black and empty however, so she decided to go in. Carefully she slid into the room with a small thud as she landed. This looked like a small basement that didn't have much other than normal household supplies in it.

Braya slowly walked to the door and cracked it open. There was no one. She slipped through the door and walked down the hall. There were many rooms, but none looked to be touched. The kitchen had a layer of dust and the living room had only a simple couch and TV. Braya searched and searched but she couldn't find anyone. The scientist, the man and the girl were all nowhere to be seen. As she started walking back to the basement she had come from she heard a very faint voice echoing down the hall. She turned to follow the voice. Down the hall again into the kitchen. The voice got louder as she reached the middle of the kitchen but once she walked towards the end of it, the voice grew faint again. She walked back to where she could hear the muffled voice the best and stopped. She looked around and there was nothing but the counter and a small table in the corner. She looked and looked until she noticed that by the kitchen island there seemed to be less dust. She pushed gently against it, and it moved.

Surprised, Braya continued pushing until it was open enough for her to fit through. There were stairs that led somewhere she wasn't sure about because it was too dark to see. She walked in, turning around to close the opening. It was pitch black. Braya felt her way through the tunnel following the voice. As she got closer, she started to realize that the voice she was hearing was that of the scientist. Finally, a large opening with dimly lit lights was approaching. Entering the large room, Braya saw what looked like multiple rooms and another passageway leading down.

She could hear the scientist talking to someone in one of the rooms, so she pressed herself to the door to listen. "Sir, progress can only go so far in a day. I need more time and the girl suspects nothing." The scientist said. Braya could tell that the scientist was scared, his voice dropped and quivered as he spoke. "If you give her time to catch on she will. We absolutely cannot lose this project! My family has worked on this since before the 100-year war! I will be the one to succeed and finish it!" Braya's stomach dropped. Fear ran through her body. She felt sick like someone had just poisoned her. She realized now why the man was so afraid. The voice belonged to Gang. "My family has worked with yours for just as long sir. Please have faith that I will be able to complete this. I already have 4 prototypes ready, one for each element. They are powerful but they do have weaknesses. Not all test subjects make it out alive and they are very weak to their weakest element." The man said. "As long as they work together that should not be a worry!" Gang yelled. "That's another problem I'm fixing sir, they are incredibly stupid. They just become obedient war machines with no strategy."

"You have a month to get where they are obedient and intelligent. I will rule the world with these and if you prolong it anymore, well, it's your head" gang hung up the call. Braya quickly found a hiding spot as she heard footsteps approaching the door. She watched as the scientist made his way up the passageway where Braya had just come from.

Once she no longer heard his footsteps she quietly went into the room. Inside was a large screen covering the wall. On it were four different stands of DNA but they weren't normal. Each had notes for how they were altered and the outcomes after such altering. Braya looked around and there was a laptop that had all the same information that the giant screen had. She scanned the room and spotted a backpack. She quickly grabbed it and shoved the laptop inside along with some paper notes she found beside it. Placing it on her back she quietly left. There were two more rooms on the way towards the passage. She stopped in the second room and went inside.

This room was built like a surgery room. There was a long table and many instruments used for surgery hanging from the wall. Braya even spotted a little bit of blood stained on the floor. She walked over to the cabinet. On the other side of the glass were different vials all containing something different. Most of them were medications for sedation but 4 stood out. Labeled one through four: Earth vial specimen 1, Water vial specimen 2, Fire vial specimen 3 and Air vial specimen 4. Braya opened the cabinet and took the vials placing them in a hard box that was nearby. She placed them carefully into the backpack.

Braya again slipped outside and continued. She reached the last room and opened the door. She carefully peeked inside to see four men sleeping on the ground. She recognized the one as the man who had carried the girl back from the woods. She closed the door quickly but quietly, careful not to wake them.

She took a deep breath scared out of her mind to go down the passageway. She didn't know what was down there but either way it scared her. She thought of the young girl and how she could potentially be down here. She took one step after the other following the way down. She finally came to another opening that had one blue light at the end. This room only had one door at the very end. She walked towards it and put her ear up against it, listening for any movement. She heard nothing. She opened the door slowly and walked inside. The room was fairly empty but there was a very large object towards the back of the room covered by a large cloth. She walked towards it. The box shape was about the size of a small shipping container.

Braya moved the cloth up from the bottom exposing bars. What if something unsafe is being kept in here. Braya thought as she started to panic. She closed her eyes trying to get the courage to see what was underneath. Deep breath in "you can do this Braya" deep breath out. She opened her eyes and shakingly lifted the cloth to see what was inside the cage she had discovered.

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