The Bunker

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Gang got word from his spy in the station, that the Avatar was planning a rescue mission for the Guardian. He decided to take matters into his own hands instead of waiting for the Avatar to knock at his front door. He instructed for his men to take one of the air crafts and retrieve the Avatar, and the group planning to come to his bunker. The group of men Gang appointed this task, grabbed the weapons that contained the serum that Gang had created. The serum would block the person's chi, making it impossible to bend. After getting ready they left to find the Avatar and his group.


Once everyone made it to the station, they immediately got to work. They had maps across the desk and different strategic plans written on the board. Toph while working on the plans, noticed that one of her officers was still lingering around the office. She didn't trust this officer as it was but didn't have proof that he couldn't be trusted. She decided to ignore it for now since she had much bigger problems on her plate.

Toph was in the middle of going over the lay out of the land when the lights went off. Everyone looked around wondering what was going on. Toph turned looking in the direction of the door and said, "we have company." Right at that moment Aang felt multiple darts hit him in the back and he fell unconscious. No one saw where the darts came from, but Toph knew immediately who to ask. She grabbed the officer who had been lingering around outside her office and threw him on the ground. She demanded to know what was going on.

"I'm not telling you anything," The officer said.

"You better start talking or else you'll be sleeping too but you won't wake up," Toph said angrily

Suddenly the windows in the room shattered and a flood of darts flew through them. Katara, Su and Tenzin were all hit with a dart. They fell to the floor also unconscious. Lin had seen quickly enough what was happening to react. She sent the metal desk flying in front of her and her mother, just in time to block the darts that had been coming for them. A group of men knocked down the office door and were heading right for Toph and Lin, but they weren't going without a fight. Toph alongside Lin started using the metal wires attached to their backs to throw the masked figures around the room. They also used the metal around the room to block any darts coming towards them. During the fight Lin was caught off guard and was stabbed in the throat with a dart. Toph was alone, but she could see better than anyone in there. She was holding them off when everyone stopped moving, after a couple of seconds everyone in the room behind her, in front of her and to the side of her all shot darts at the same time. She used the desk to create a body of armor around her reflecting the darts. She stood ready for her next attack but then started to feel dizzy. She collapsed to the ground and realized that the desk hadn't covered her whole body and she had been shot in the calf.

The men tied up all the limp bodies on the floor and placed bags over their heads. Each man grabbed a body and threw it over their shoulder. They carried the Avatar and his group back to the aircraft and headed back to the bunker.

After they arrived at the bunker, they took the bodies out and carried them to the same room Braya had been taken. The room was large so there was no issue making everyone fit. Gang smiled as he watched his men bring each body to the room. "They have all been injected with my serum?" Gang asked his men.

"Yes sir, we made sure to inject the Avatar with more than one," one of the soldiers piped up.

"Good, now all we do is wait."

Gang stood and watched as each member from the group stirred on the ground. Katara was the first to wake up. "Hello there," Gang said to Katara.

"Where am I?" Katara asked realizing the sleeping bodies around her. She inched towards Aang who was the closest to her and lightly nudged him. One by one everyone started waking up Aang being the last.

"Hello avatar, I heard you and your friends wanted to find me," Gang spread his arms and smiled. "Here I am! It's so very nice to meet you."

"Where is the Guardian?" Aang said weakly as he tried to sit up. Gang watched Aang as he struggled to get up.

"He asked you a question! Where is the Guardian?" Lin yelled at Gang.

"Oh, you're a fiery one," he looked at her almost entranced in her outburst.

"Give us the Guardian and you can go to jail instead of paying the ultimate price," Lin said, moving to get up

"Go ahead show me your worst," He smiled and laughed. Lin stepped down to summon a rock from the ground but couldn't. nothing was happening. She looked at Aang, who also couldn't get his bending to work.

"What have you done to us?" Aang asked.

"You've been given a dose of my favorite chi blocker. You'll have to receive it every day for it to not wear off, but that won't be an issue. My benders will have no issue giving it to you" his eyes gleamed at the thought of causing them pain. "Take them to their cell." He walked away leaving a group of men to lead them to the hall that contained the cells.

They walked until the guard stopped in front of a door and opened it with a key. They told Su to go into the cell. She turned to her mother looking for support, but the guard wasn't having it. They kicked Su into the cell knocking her to the ground inside. Tenzin was furious and hit one of the guards. Two guards jumped on him and beat him to the ground warning it would be worse if he tried anything like that again. They told Katara to go in with Su, she looked to Aang who gave her a nod and mouthed that he loved her. they locked the door behind her and continued down the hall.

At the second cell they told Kya to go inside with Lin. They didn't fight, they didn't want anyone else to get hurt. The guard locked the door behind them and continued. At this cell they heard screaming. They all looked in the direction of the screaming. "What was that..." Aang said to the guard.

"That is one of our best weapons. You see whenever we have someone that doesn't quite agree with our goal they go and see her. A bender that has never lost a fight, doesn't matter the element they possess, she gets information out of them, then kills them, whatever Gang wants her to do. he has complete control over her. whoever is put in the last cell will be meeting her," The guard smiled. After the guard locked up the cell, they went to the second to last cell knowing whoever wasn't put in this cell would be sent to death.

"Ok you woman and Avatar in you go," Aang stopped. He turned to the guard and volunteered himself to go into the last cell instead of Tenzin. The guard kicked Aang in the kneecap, then punched him in the face. Tenzin hit the guard again, knocking him to the ground, it took several guards to get Tenzin under control.

"No not this guy. This is the second time he has hit me its time he's learned a lesson. Put him and the woman in the cell." Toph and Tenzin went on a rampage fighting as hard as they could. Down the hall they could hear the doors of the cells being beaten against from the others locked in them, who had heard Aang was the one going to the last cell. Tenzin didn't stop fighting until they finally hit him hard enough that he passed out. Toph was moving all over the hall knocking out guards left and right then she felt a pinch on her leg. She looked down and realized she was shot with a tranquilizer dart and then she too passed out. They put the two bodies in the cell and locked the door. The guard grabbed Aang and led him to the last cell. They opened the door and threw him in, closing and locking the door behind him. 

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