On to the Ways of Water

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Lin started her new job and true to what she said she didn't spend much time with Braya or at home. She had spent the last week trying to get caught up on paperwork. She would shower in the locker room, take power naps in her new office and eat from the vending machine. Every night she would call Braya to let her know that she wouldn't make it for dinner and that she loved her. Braya didn't mind being home alone. It gave her time to think and prepare for her next journey. Braya decided she wanted to work on her water bending next. Katara was already in the process of arranging everything so they could leave back to the water tribe where she felt the training would be best done.

Braya finished cleaning up from dinner when she looked at the clock. She had nowhere to be the next day and she wasn't particularly tired. She grabbed the leftover food from dinner and put it in a bag. Lin hadn't eaten normal food for a week now and it would be the perfect opportunity to see her as well. She walked to the station and up to the floor Lins office was on. She could see the glow of light from Lin still working whereas the others had gone home for the night. Braya walked up to the door and saw Lin hard at work.



Braya opened the door letting herself in. "Braya!" Lin shot up from her desk to hug Braya. "What are you doing here." She kissed her several times before allowing her to answer the question. "I brought you dinner. You can't survive off vending machine food" Lin looked surprised. "You brought me dinner?"

"Is that ok? I'm not sure what is allowed up here, but I figured bringing you dinner should be acceptable." Braya smiled. "You can visit anytime you want to! I just didn't think you would want to. This isn't exactly the most entertaining place to be."

"But it's where you're at and I always want to be where you're at." Lin could smell the dinner Braya had brought for her. "Do you want to share?" Lin said as she kissed Brayas cheek."

"I ate so it's all yours." Lin smiled and got busy unwrapping her dinner. She ate while Braya told her about her day and her plans for her next trip. She didn't bother including Lin in her plans for leaving knowing she had a lot on her plate in Republic City. Still Lin felt slightly ashamed that Braya wouldn't bother asking because she knew how hard it would be right now to leave. After Lin finished eating Braya figured it was time to leave so Lin could get back to work. She walked to Lins office door. "I guess I should let you get back to work?" Braya said. "I guess" Lin said as she wrapped her arms around Braya and kissed her. Braya wrapped her hand around Lins head and pulled her in tighter. Their kisses got more and more intense until their breathing was heavy from desire. With the swift motion of her hand the metal blinds closed all around them making it impossible to see inside the office. Picking Braya up she carried her to her desk and sat her on top. Aggressively she pulled down her pants and got on her knees. She kissed her thighs, moving up with each kiss. Finally, she was right where Braya wanted her. Braya wrapped her fingers through Lins hair while Lin ran her tongue over her clit making her moan. She continued to suck and rub her tongue over her until she climaxed. Wiping her mouth Lin stood up "I just had to make sure you were taken care of before you went home."

A few weeks went by and even though Braya felt like they had just returned home from the Fire nation it was now time to leave for the Water Tribe. Aang was packing the boat that they would be taking. It was quite the journey, so they had to make sure they had plenty of supplies. Braya and Katara had put their belongings on the boat. Katara was for sure coming but Aang had asked for forgiveness that he didn't go. Braya understood that his duty was with the new airbenders and settling them into their new home. Kya and Sokka decided to come. They both loved the water tribe and took every opportunity to visit. Bumi had also decided to go on this trip. He wanted to support Braya as much as a nonbender could. Toph showed up with her bag and to Braya's surprise Lin was with her with her bag. "I thought you would be staying here?"

"Mom said it's important we both go. But believe me mom has things for us to work on while we are there." Braya gave Lin a kiss excited she would be joining them. They all got on the boat and said their goodbyes to the rest of the family.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11 ⏰

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