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Aang waited in his cell for whatever was to come next. The next morning, he heard as guards went and collected his family from the other cells. Where they were taking them, he didn't know. After he heard Tenzin and Toph leaving their cell he knew he would be next. Not long after hearing Tenzin and Toph leave he heard his cell door being unlocked. The guards motioned for Aang to follow them. "You're not going to restrain me?" Aang asked the guard.

"No, your family is where we are taking you, so we don't think you'll fight us," the guard responded. Aang knew the guards were right. He silently followed them through a series of tunnels, until they stopped in front of two large doors. They opened one side of the double doors and stood to the side, "You will follow this short passage to the arena." Aang walked through the door. His mind was racing, why was he going to an arena? He followed the passage towards the bright lights at the end. When he reached the end, the lights blinded him for a second before he realized where he was at. He was in Gang's large arena where him and his followers' made bets on fights. Aang looked up and saw directly in front of him Gang. Gang was smiling while looking down at Aang. Surrounding him were all his guards. They were yelling at each other making bets and arguing about the fight to come. On the side of the arena, he saw his family tied to the railing surrounding the arena. They were tied in a way that would force them to watch the fight about to happen. "Welcome to my fight arena Avatar," Gang yelled over the crowd. "I'm sure you haven't realized it yet but some of your bending abilities should be coming back to you. However, if you try to activate your Avatar state, we will kill your family," Gang motioned over to Aang's family. Men stood behind Katara, Toph, Tenzin, Su, Lin, and Kya ready to kill them at any moment. You will fight or die in this arena Avatar. Are you ready to meet who you will be fighting?"

The door that Aang had come through opened again. He saw as a figure walked in wearing a black cloak with a hood. The figure walked past Aang and kneeled before Gang. "You called for me father?" the person in the cloak said to Gang.

"Yes, this man you stand with, he is the Avatar. I need you to eliminate him for the better of the people. He is a danger to everyone, and we now have a chance to destroy him. Remember this is your destiny, my child," Gang said. "Avatar you wanted me to take you to the Guardian when you got here. Well, now I have delivered the Guardian to you." Gang smiled and stepped back to take a seat. Aang turned his attention to the figure handing their cloak over to a guard. He watched as long hair rested against torn clothing. When the young woman turned around Aang's mouth dropped. "Braya?" Aang said analyzing the woman in front of him.

"I haven't heard that name in a long time," Braya said taken back by the name.

"You're alive? I thought you were dead," Aang started tearing up as he looked at Braya alive after all this time.

"I'm sure you would like for me to be dead, wouldn't you Avatar?"

"Why would I want my daughter dead?"

"Your daughter? Don't play games with me!" Aang looked at Braya in shock. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. Had she completely forgotten about her family? He looked to Gang, "What have you done to her?"

"I broke her down, then built her back up. I am her father. I created who she is. She is my ultimate weapon," Gang said to Aang.

"She is not a weapon!" Aang yelled at Gang.

"I am a weapon that will stop you from killing many innocent lives. My father has told me all about you," Braya said.

"Braya I am your father. I have loved you since the day I met you. You are my daughter."

"Liar!" Braya shot a flame at Aang. He rolled out of the way staying out of the way of danger. Braya continued shooting flames at Aang until one of the flames grazed his arm. Aang held his burned arm. Braya prepared to shoot another ball of flame at Aang but what he did stopped her from sending it towards him. He walked towards Braya and fell to his knees. She stared at the man in front of her with tears in his eyes while she held fire in her palm. "What are you doing?" Braya asked Aang. The entire arena went silent.

"No matter what I do, I will lose. When I thought you had died, I was devastated, to stop you I will have to kill you. I can't kill you Braya. You will just have to kill me."

"Aang no! Please there has to be another way!" Katara yelled at Aang. Braya looked up towards Katara's voice, just in time to see the man behind her hit her in the back of the head. The flame went out in Braya's hand, and she turned to stare at Katara, forgetting completely about Aang.

"What are you doing Braya? End him!" Gang yelled at Braya, but she ignored him. She continued staring at Katara and the rest of the group. "I know you," Aang heard Braya say to herself. Braya stomped her foot hard against the ground. The earth underneath formed a staircase up towards Katara. Step after step Braya followed the stone staircase up to Katara. On the top step Braya kneeled to be at eye level with Katara. "Who are you?" Braya asked Katara.

"I am your mother Braya," Katara responded tears filling her eyes. "Do you really not remember me?" Braya didn't answer, she stood staring at Katara. She reached in her pocket and pulled a photo out. She gave the picture to Katara. "Who is this?"

"It's a picture of my mother. My dad gave it to me months ago," Braya responded. "The only problem is when I try to recall any memories I have of my mother, I don't see the woman in the picture. I see you."

"Braya your necklace, where did you get it?" Katara said noticing the necklace around Braya's throat.

"I don't know. The only thing I remember is it being thrown at me. It was covered in blood," Braya took the necklace off and looked at it.

"That bracelet you wear do you remember where you got that?" Kya asked as she noticed Braya's wrist.

"No. I got this the same day as the necklace and the badge I carry in my pocket,"

"Is the badge a police badge by any chance?" Toph asked joining the conversation.

"Yes, it is," Braya said while pulling the police badge out of her pocket. "How did you know that?"

"I knew that because we are family Braya. Gang must have stolen those items from us to help brainwash you," Toph said looking in Braya's direction.

"Don't listen to them Braya! These are the types of tricks they will play on their victims. You must be strong enough to see through the lies!" Gang yelled at Braya. "Now, get away from them!" Braya stood up to walk back down the rock staircase.

"Braya, Aang can help you. Don't you think it's weird that Aang offered you his life because he didn't want to hurt you? He says we are all monsters but none of us want to hurt you. You're the smartest person I know, don't you think that is weird?" Lin shouted at Braya before she made her way down the stairs. Braya continued down the staircase, she had been thinking the same thing.

Once she made it in front of Aang she again lifted and slammed her foot to the ground. The stairs fell to the ground, disappearing from site. Braya turned her attention to Aang. He watched her, careful to not let his guard down.

Braya lunged towards Aang. She was throwing punches and kicks at him, but they were very easy to dodge. He noticed that she wasn't bending towards him or hitting very hard. What could her plan be? Why was she going so easy on him now? At the that moment she wrapped herself around his back causing him to fall on top of her. With her arms wrapped around his neck Braya's face was pressed against the back of Aang's head. "Can you really help me?" Braya whispered in his ear. Aang nodded gently against her arms. "When I let go, do what you need to do. Be quick or else he will intervene." Aang nodded again.

Braya let go of Aang, and instantly he flipped her on her back. Leaning over her he placed a palm on her forehead. Using the same power he did to take the fire Lord's power away during the war, he used it to call Braya's spirit back from the spirit world. "Earthbender's get him off of her now!" Gang yelled to the men watching the fight. A nearby earthbender punched the air causing a boulder to fly at Aang. The boulder hit him, knocking him off Braya and breaking his arm. "No!" Aang yelled, grabbing his arm in pain.

"Did it work?" Lin asked Katara.

"I don't know. I'm not sure if that was enough time to bring her back," Katara replied. Everyone watched intensely waiting to see if Aang was successful bringing Braya back.

Braya : The Lost GuardianWhere stories live. Discover now