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Braya laid on the ground in pain. The minute Aang had touched her head, it had started aching. She stood up, dizzy from the pain. She looked at the man on the ground next to her holding his arm. She instantly recognized Aang, her father. Her insides burned with rage as her memories started flooding her mind. She remembered the love she felt being back in Republic City with her family. She remembered the fight she had the night she was taken. The pain she felt being beaten and alone for years before Gang broke her. She looked up at her family tied to the railing above the arena. Seeing Tenzin, Katara, Kya and Toph alive and well after she thought she would never again see them. She stood still taking everything in until she heard his voice. The voice she despised most of all. The voice she was going to rid the world of. "Braya! Tell me what is going on. Are you ok?" Gang yelled to Braya. She turned to look at Gang, "I am ok."

"It didn't work," Katara said through tears. Everyone's spirits lowered. Aang lowered his head. "I am so sorry Braya," Aang said weakly. "I have failed you again. If only I had more time." Braya didn't acknowledge Aang's apology. She continued staring at Gang who sat on his throne at the top of the arena, working out a plan to end him.

"Good, now it's time to finish the Avatar, my daughter. Then we will continue to Republic City to fix what the Avatar has broken there," Gang said smiling triumphantly.

"Don't listen to that scum, Braya! Your family is here with you! We love you don't give in to him!" Toph yelled at Braya. The guard behind Toph punched the back of her head. "Don't talk about our leader that way!" the guard said to Toph. Seeing Toph be hit caused fire to instantly engulf Braya's hands.

"I will say what I want about your pig leader," Toph said defiantly.

"You little bitch," the guard said rocking back to hit her again. A flame flew between Toph and the guard. He looked down at Braya who had obviously sent the flame.

"You touch her again and I will kill you myself," Braya said not breaking eye contact with the guard.

"You're going to let her insult me Braya? Your own father?" Gang said to Braya. "Your mother would be so disappointed."

"My mother?" Braya said to Gang. She turned to look right at Katara. "Do I disappoint you?"

"What are you doing?" Gang asked.

"I'm asking my mother if she is disappointed in me."

"You remember?" Gang asked.

"Everything," Braya smashed both fists into the ground sending a giant shock wave through the earth, knocking the guards away from her family. She then sent a shard of ice to cut the ties restraining her family. She turned to look at Aang who was still on the ground holding his arm. She walked over to him and helped him up. "We need to get everyone out of here." She looked up to see the others battling with men in the stands, preventing them from getting to Braya and Aang. Braya stomped hard, using the earth under her to catapult herself and Aang into the stands. "You get the family; I will get Gang. We can save everyone and end him." Aang nodded and started towards the others. One after one she fought through the men to get to Gang. Fire, earth, water, punches, kicks anything she could to knock out each man in her way. Nothing was going to stop her from killing Gang, this was her chance.

A scream echoed through the arena. She turned to see that Katara had just been stabbed with an earth shard. The shard hit her directly in the stomach, immobilizing Katara. Aang tried to enter the Avatar state, but he was still too weak from the serum and from his broken arm. Braya looked at Gang, then back to Katara. She had to make a choice. Was she going to get everyone out of the bunker or was she going to kill Gang?

Braya turned around to get to Katara. She used her earthbending to raise the earth around Katara and the other. When she finally reached the group, Katara was in rough shape. Kya was trying to heal her but needed more time than what they had. Footsteps could be heard outside the arena coming to be reinforcements. "You guys have to go on without me. If the other men get here, you all will die here," Katara said through heavy breathes.

"We aren't leaving you mom," Kya cried to Katara.

"Noone here is strong enough to carry me. Your father and Tenzin each have injured arms. If they carry me, they won't be able to keep up with the group and I refuse to put them in danger," Katara said to Kya.

"I can carry you Katara," Lin said.

"I know you can Lin, but you need to help Tenzin walk. His injuries he sustained from the guards will make it where someone will have to help him out," Katara said to Lin. "This is the end for me. You all must get out of here. I can't be the reason you die here."

"We have to move now," Braya said while trying to hold off more men coming after them. "Let's go!" Crying Kya stood up and helped Lin grab Tenzin. Braya had been so focused on the men around her she didn't know why everyone was crying. She was trying to give Kya enough time to heal Katara enough to transport her.

"Braya, you need to take a minute to say your goodbyes," Toph said to Braya.

"Goodbye? Why can she not be transported?" Braya responded.

"Everyone is injured. No one can carry her out. She refuses to be carried because she doesn't want to slow anyone down," Aang said with tears dripping from her face.

"Oh, is everyone ready?" Braya said dismissing what everyone had just said. Everyone nodded. Braya walked over to Katara, who was looking to give her last goodbye to Braya.

"Braya, I," Katara was cut off.

"Mom, give me your hand," Braya said interrupting. Katara confused gave her hand to Braya. In one swift motion, Braya threw Katara over her shoulder. "Alright, lets move!" Braya said jumping down into the pit.

Everyone was surprised with Braya's strength. Having Katara on her shoulder didn't slow her down at all. She led everyone through the series of tunnels out of the bunker. When they reached the main opening to the door leading out of the bunker, Gang was there ready with his men. "You think your going to just leave? We have so much unfinished business Braya," Gang said.

"I have stayed long enough," Braya responded. Braya held on tight to Katara and with one hand she motioned for the earth to crack underneath. The violent cracking in the earth made it hard to stand. She then created two large lines of fire outlining the path out. Braya led the way outside. When everyone had made it out, she turned and used her bending to cave in the bunker underneath. They ran to the closest aircraft. "Does anyone know how to fly this thing?" Braya asked the group.

"I do. I will get it ready," Lin said climbing into the aircraft. Braya followed, putting Katara on a blanket on the floor so Kya could continue healing her. Braya got out and watched as everyone started making their way onto the plane. She noticed that quite a few people had made it out of the bunker, Gang being one of them. Gang and the others were heading straight for them. Braya stood in front of the others ready to defend. "We need to get everyone on the plane and out of here now," Braya said to Lin.

"I'm trying, the plane is rusty, it's taking longer than normal to start up," Lin said struggling with the engine.

"Okay, no pressure Lin, but we do have an entire army heading right for us."

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