Late Night Adventures

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Monday came and Braya started back in school. Things were better at school now. The P.E. teacher had been replaced by a nice lady who treated everyone fairly. The bullies had stopped harassing non-benders in fear of getting expelled, and best of all was the praise Braya received from the students. They admired her courage; she was a hero in their eyes. In P.E., Lin asked if Braya wanted to lift weights with her. Braya was surprised, but glad to take her offer. She quickly realized that Lin lifted much more weight than she could spot. Instead of complaining that Braya couldn't keep up with the weights she needed, Braya noticed Lin purposely putting small weights on the bar. They worked out in silence, but Braya even liked that. She found she enjoyed watching Lin, how her muscles tensed while lifting the weights. Overall, school was much more enjoyable now.

Braya went home and went through the normal nightly routine of eating dinner, visiting with her family, then going to her room to study. She watched the clock, waiting for it to strike ten. She heard the last of her family go to bed. Sliding the window open, she took another look at the clock. It was time to go. She quietly stepped out of the window and headed to the bench Toph said to meet her at. Toph was waiting at the bench for her. Braya walked up to her, and before she could say anything, Toph turned to her and held a finger to her mouth. She then motioned for Braya to follow her.

They walked for what seemed like eternity, but in reality it was maybe thirty minutes. They didn't speak. Braya was too busy taking in her surroundings to talk. She noticed as they kept walking the neighborhood got worse. She wasn't scared because she was with Toph, but she didn't understand why Toph would bring her somewhere like this. She stopped in front of a large building that seemed abandoned. It looked like at one point it may have been a school or an event center. Toph led Braya inside. The lights were dim, but she could see the building had been completely gutted. Nothing but the supports for the building remained. The floor had been replaced with soft mats, perfect for training on. In the corner of the building was a man, looking right at Toph. "Tell me, why have you asked for me to meet you here at this hour, Toph?" the mysterious man said.

"Master Huong, it's a pleasure to see you again. It's been a while," Toph said.

"You didn't answer my question. I may be indebted to you, but I'm also not here for games," Huong said fiercely.

"Relax, sour puss. I do have my reasons." Toph pointed to Braya. "This is Braya. She wants to learn to defend herself, and who better than you, Master Huong?"

"What bending ability does she have?" Huong asked, analyzing Braya.

"She isn't a bender."

"I can't train her. She would not survive my training. She is also very young. Thirteen? Fourteen? You know I don't train non-benders, unless they are talented adults." Huong looked disgusted with Braya. "I must get going."

"No! Please wait!" Braya shouted. "How can you say I'm not worth your time if you don't know me?"

"You're a non-bending girl. I've trained a few women that were non-benders, but for the majority they don't have what it takes."

"You don't know what I can take! You're just lazy and don't want to train a girl!" Braya was furious. Toph had set up for her to train with a master, and now he was refusing to train her.

"You want proof, is that it? You really think you're good enough. Ha! I'll make you a deal, little girl, if you can make it thirty minutes in the ring with me, then I will train you." Huong smirked at Braya, waiting for an answer.

"No, Huong. Her parents don't know she is here, and I don't want her going through that. I hoped you would show her some basic skills so she could learn to protect herself," Toph said.

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