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Okay, so...

This is my first fan fiction, and I actually want to spend my time on it. Yeah, I really hope you want to try and read it.

English is not my main language, so I'm really sorry for my bad writing. I will try to do spelling checks after each chapter, but I'm sorry if I forget about it sometimes.

Please leave a comment if you see my bad language so I can fix it.

And criticism is the most wonderful thing on earth, or something like that. Please leave a comment on what I can improve on in my writing.

And if there is something you think can go well in this story, then I am happy to get help from you.

I think that was all. I hope you find this interesting.

I realized when I was reading this again that some of the grammar is a lot worse than I thought when I first wrote it, so I will just go over and fix some of it. It isn't going to be perfect spelling, but I hope it will be better than before. I think my writing has improved since I stared at this in August. But of course, my grammar is still bad and I need to work on it. - November 12th. 

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