Chapter 12

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Welcome to my terrible book.

Enjoy (: 


Technos POV: 

"You can do this" I hold Dream under his arm and helped him stand. "Lay your weight on me. I'm the strong here. Remember" I smiled and saw Dream let out a small smile. "One step at the time, one foot in front of the other" we walked a few steps before stopping. "You are doing great, with this pace you can run when the week is over."  He smiled. "I couldn't do this without you" You could hear humility in his voice. "You are doing a great job. Let's take a break" I liftet him up in bridal style and carried him over to the bed. "What are you doing?" His face was blood red and I laughed. "You can't walk" I said and smiled "Well, you didn't need to do it" I his voice was full of embarrassment, but I know he enjoyed it. 

"You did great my baby" I said. "Hey, I'm not a baby" he's face was turning more red, if it was possible. "I need to carry you around.  I was needed to feed you. You are kinda a baby" I smiled at him. "A sweet one though" He ruled over to his side and looked into the wall. He didn't say anything and just looked into the wall. The silence was pain. 

"Well I'm just going to leave and let you be alone..." I said and and backed slowly. "No, don't..." I heard someone whispering form the bed. I walked back and sat down at the chair again. " is life?" I asked and didn't realise how dumb the question was before it slipped out of my mouth. "Well its going perfect. This is my dream life" I heard a sarcastic voice. "I have always dreamed a point being locked in a prison for over a half year and tortured and then be rescued and not be able to walk on my own an laying in the bed to my former enemy."

"I'm sorry" I said an looked down. "I shouldn't have asked you that" he didn't turn around. "No you shouldn't" he said. The voice was scarp and hurtful, but you could hear a small hint of forgiveness in his voice. 

Finally he turned around. "So, do you wanna help me walking again?" He said. "Already?" I was a little bit confused. "It's not like laying here is the most funniest thing to" he said and sat up in the bed. "You are well right..." I helped him stand and liftet him up. "Okay, one step at the time. One foot in front of the other" I helped him walk. "Thanks" He said and his voice has been softer now.  "You can do this. Let's walk out to the kitchen" I lead him out the door and to a chair bedside the table and he sat down. "You did great" I smiled and looked into the frigide after something to eat. "Thanks I guess..." he looked down. "I found some chocolate and laid it in a boll on the table and sat down. "I know it's hard, but you will come back. And stronger than you were before. We will take revenge on them, and of you want. When your strong enough I could train with you" I smiled at the dirty blond boy, he looked weak up on me and a small smile showed on his face. "Thanks, but you don't need to do that" He said. "Well I want to..." I smiled. "Its my pleasure" 

We spend the rest of the day walking around in the house. When the day was over and it was time for bed he could almost walk from the kitchen and to the bedroom on his own. And standing could he do on his own nine of ten times. This was a big improvement form how he was when the day started. 

3rd persons POV: With the other members, 2am. 

"We need to find him, and kill him. Like Technos execution, but this time we will do it and he will die" Tommys voice threw echoes through the hall. Allmost all the smp members was together this night. The few persons that didn't was there was Techno, Phil, Purpled, Wilbur/Revivebur, Puffy and of course Dream. 

"And when we find him, we will take him down, throw him in the prison. Torture him and then. He will be dead" sapnap said and looked out into the crowd "any feature?" No one said a word. 

"can I get the revive book before we kill him" Quackity asked. "As long as I get to torture him" Tommy said. "and i kill, then you can do what you want to him" Sapnap finished. "We will let him be in the prison for around three days. Sam, you will let anyone inn with weapons so they can do what they want to him, and then. On midnight all the people will be there. Even the expel who isn't here today. ALL will be there and see Sapnap kill Dream" Tommy said and smiled to the other. Your could ear some small whine form Tubbo. 

"Who is not here?" Sapnap shouted out. "I want a complete list of all the people that didn't want to come today and where their loyalty stand." He looked out into the crowd. "I can do it" Punz shouted" he gained a smile from Sapnap and took a book and started to write in it. 

"Well, well, well. We are all together here tonight to find a plan to kill Dream" You could here the others yelled in unity and engagement. "BUT, there are on big obstacle." He paused and looked around. It was silence. "DreamXD" he wispered the word, but all the pole heard it and some small talking between people could be heard. 

"But that is a problem for another night" Tommy yelled. "Now we are going to find and kill Dream, we will probably need a sneak attack. Who other than Me, Sapnap and Tubbo is going on the mission?" Tommy looked out and saw Tubbo raised his hand. "Are there something?" He meet Tubbos scared gaze. "I, I, I don't want to go with you..." His voice was shaking and he grabbed out for Ranboos hand who was standing beside him. "Why?" Tommy asked surprised. "It is a honour to be the one who capture him and take him with us back to the prison" Tommy smiled. "I, I don't want to..." He looked up to Ranboo for support. "Don't make him" Ranboo looked at Tommy until he bent. "Okay...but you don't know what you are missing" Tubbo hugged Ranboo and whispered a small "Thanks" In his ear. 

"Who else than me and Tommy are going to capture him?" Sapnap looked out and saw Quackity, Sam and Ponk raised their hands. "Thanks. And with George we are six. That should be enough" Sapnap said. You could hear George was about to complain about it, but with a strikt gaze from Sapnap he reminded silence. 

"Let's kill him!!" Tommy shouted out and the crowd broke out in applause, engagement and shouts.


I don't actually know...


1201 Words. 

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