Chapter 56

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Sorry for the late update, have just one oral exam left and then I'm finished. Hopefully more content then, if not, well, there will be more when school ends. Hoping on finishing the book soon. 


3rd persons pov: 

The next day, under the clear blue sky, Ranboo and Tubbo set off on their journey to Phil's cabin in the woods. The lush green trees towered above them as they walked along the narrow dirt path, their footsteps muffled by fallen leaves. The air was filled with the sweet scent of pine, and the distant chirping of birds created a soothing melody.

As they made their way deeper into the woods, the atmosphere seemed to change. Shafts of sunlight filtered through the dense canopy, casting dappled patterns on the forest floor. The silence was broken only by the occasional rustle of leaves and the distant hoot of an owl.

Ranboo's excitement was palpable, his eyes wide with anticipation. Tubbo couldn't help but smile at his friend's enthusiasm, appreciating the distraction from their recent troubles. They had been through so much together, and this visit to Phil's cabin felt like a much-needed respite from the chaos that had consumed their lives.

After a few hours of walking through the serene forest, the landscape around them gradually transformed. The vibrant greens of the trees and leaves gave way to a pristine white wonderland. Snow-covered branches stretched out like delicate fingers, glistening in the sunlight. The air grew colder, the chill nipping at their noses and cheeks.

"Whoa," Ranboo breathed out, his breath forming a misty cloud in front of him. "I've never seen so much snow before."

Tubbo nodded, his eyes wide with childlike wonder. "It's beautiful, isn't it? Like a winter fairy tale."

As they continued their journey, the path led them deeper into the heart of the arctic wilderness. The trees became sparser, making way for vast open fields blanketed in untouched snow. The silence was deafening, broken only by the soft crunch of their boots against the icy ground.

Finally, in the distance, they spotted the silhouette of a cabin, nestled amidst the frozen landscape. It stood sturdy and resilient, its wooden walls painted in shades of blue to blend with the wintry surroundings.

"That must be it," Tubbo said, pointing excitedly.

With renewed energy, they quickened their pace until they reached the cabin's front door. Ranboo took a deep breath to steady his nerves, his gloved hand raised to knock. But before he could make contact with the door, it swung open, revealing a figure bundled up in a heavy coat and scarf.

"Hey there, lads," Phil's voice rang out, a warm smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Welcome to my humble abode."

Ranboo and Tubbo exchanged glances, their eyes wide with astonishment. The interior of the cabin was nothing short of magical. The warmth from a crackling fireplace engulfed the room, casting a cozy glow on the wooden furniture and walls adorned with various trinkets. The shelves were lined with books and artifacts from different eras, hinting at the vast knowledge Phil had acquired over his long life.

"Come in, come in," Phil urged, stepping aside to make way for them. "Make yourselves comfortable. Techno is brewing some hot cocoa."

Tubbo's eyes lit up at the mention of cocoa, and he eagerly followed Phil into the cabin. Ranboo trailed behind, his mind filled with a mix of curiosity and anticipation. He couldn't help but wonder what answers awaited them within these snow-covered walls.

As they settled down on a plush sofa, Phil stoked the fire, sending sparks dancing up the chimney. The warmth soon enveloped them, thawing their chilled fingers and cheeks. Moments later, Techno emerged from the cabin's small kitchen, carrying steaming mugs of cocoa.

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