Chapter 4

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I am trying to write something here, but sorry of it's not good...

And one of my classmates saw that i was writing on wattpad, and that it is fanfiction, she dont know that its about the dsmp and i don't know if she know what it is in the first place. But the point here is that she want me to write smut scenes, and we are just in 9th grade, and I am a virgin, and i don't really know if i should do it, so, of anyone just can help me with deciding what i should do. She is almost forcing me too, but i don't know if its it a good idea...and yeah...

Please help me


Dreams POV:

I slowly opened my eyes and blinked a few times. Everything was blurry, I crawled over to the water and throw some of it on my face, but i didn't help actually, my side hurts and i saw the cut, and i now that I wouldn't survive a lot more days if i didn't get help. I looked down at myself i didn't look good, now i knew it was just a matter of time before i was forced to leave the earth.

Suddenly i heard a voice and the lava fall down and i saw Quackity standing and looked at me with a bitter twinkle in his eye. "You will regret that you killed me" He said before the platform take him over to me, the Netherite Blocks weren't removed this time, I think it was on purpose so I didn't kill him this time also, he had just one canon life remaining. I threw up on the flow and made low voices as i held my stomach in pain. He was just standing and looked at me, i didn't have the energy to talk much to him or energy to walk to him. "Awe, I see that you have some injuries, I hope they aren't hurting too much" His evil smile filled his whole face. 'Like you came much better out of the fight than I did' but I just thought that, I didn't have the energy to speak to him.

After around 10 minutes with Quackity trying to make my life even more miserable than it already is, I tried to speak to him. "Why are you even here? Doesn't your shoulder hurt too much for you to get out of bed" I said before throwing up another time and then I lay my head back to the wall and closed my eyes. I could feel Quackity trying to shoot me with his bow, he was able to shoot one arrow but his aiming was terrible at this point so it landed on the floor half a meter from me and then he gave up because his shoulder couldn't take it.

He just stared at me whit his half closed eyes. "I will get Sam to help you with your cuts" He said. I just rolled my eyes, i know that it was either just a joke to make me create false hope or that he had a good reason to keep me alive. "Why" I said in pain, I needed to hold around my stomach for each letter i pronounce. "Well, we don't want you to die already, I'm sure Sam is able to keep you alive on one potato each week, its maybe not the life you lived before, when what every you said was the law, everyone needed to do what you wanted, but now, look at you Dream, your are weak" Quackity spit on me but i didn't care, I just wanted to sleep. "You are the definition of weakness" He said to me. "No one care about you anymore, you should be happy for me just talking to you"

I sighted and open my eyes just to see Quackity standing there whit his axe in his hands and smiling to me, "You now that everyone is forgetting about you, even George and Sapnap don't care about you, and Bad have forgotten about you for month ago, for them you are just a weak memory who never was important" I closed my eyes again and tried to keep the voices out of my head. It didn't work. "You are a tyran Dream, a villain, no one will ever love you, you almost killed an innocent person. Everyone hates you. You don't even deserve death, you deserve something much worse" I feels his word cutting into my head and stirring around there, it was terrible.

I smelled blood, i looked down at my feet and saw a arrow in my left leg, I saw up and saw Quackity standing with and crossbow in his hand and a arrogant smirking face. "Did it hurt, I'm sorry" he heard Quackity said with a psycho voice and he didn't know what Sapnap or Karl saw in this man. I grabbed the shaft of the arrow and pulled it out, it hurts but i was wrapped in pain from before so I did not think much about it. "I just need to be sure your life is a living hell" he said and shoot another arrow, but this time in my right leg. I pullet that one out too, but this time it was a mistake, he had used an arrow with a barb, this hurts and I feel tears falling g down my face as i looked at my legs, the blood ran down my legs and made it all red.

"Just go" I was able to say that one sentence before the word turned black again and the last I heard was Quackity leaving the room with a manipulative laughter.

Technos POV:

'I will do it, whether it's because I owe him one or whether it's something more, I will do it and find out of that later' I walked into my secret bunker and grabbed a set of netherite armor and with my sword and pickaxe I was ready with the armor bit, 'now I need a lot of milk'. I walked over to Ranboo's cows and picked up a lot of buckets on the way. I milked the cows and walked back to my cabin. 'What do i need?' I walked into my room and started looking in the chests and barrels after that could be useful. 'Rope, gappels (i don't know if that is the right spelling of it, but i hope you know what i mean), potions'

I walked into the kitchen and write a note in chase Phil was wondering where I was.

I needed to do it
I will be back soon
Don't worry, i will be fine

And then i left my cabin alone and went to the Prison.


Okey so just a short chapter this time, i didn't actually now wat i should write so yeah...

I hope it was readable and yeah

I am planing more drama in next chapter, but i don't know how it will go.

I'm not good at writing fighting scenes, but i will try and yeah...hopefully there is something in it...

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