Chapter 59

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New chapter, finally. So sorry for being so late, I don't really have an excuse, but here it is. With the beautiful help of my dear editor, Alex<3.  Happy birthday 🥳

With Karl:

Karl had been wandering the outskirts of the Dream SMP, lost in thought, when he heard the distant murmur of voices. Curiosity piqued, and he followed the sound until it lead him to a clearing.

As he approached, he spotted Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo standing tgether, their voices carrying a tone of contentment. It was a rare moment of tranquillity, and Karl couldn't help but smile at the sight of his friends enjoying themself. If he still could call them that. They were, are, kids. They deserve better.

But then the atmosphere shifted. A pair of footsteps grew louder, echoing through the clearing. Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo turned their heads in surprise, their expression transitioning from contentment to confusion as the registered who walked towards them.

Karl's heart sank as he recognised Sapnap's form striding towards them. His steps was purposeful, his body language tense, and there was fire in his eyes that sent a shiver down Karl's spine.

Sapnap's voice, when he spoke was laced with venom as he addressed Tommy. Karl felt a knot of tension form in his chest as he listened to Sapnap's accusing words.

"So, you're here having fun, huh? Enjoying yourself while Dream walks free?"

Karl's brows furrowed as he watched Tommy, who seemed genuinely bewildered by Sapnap's sudden appearance and accusatory tone. It was clear something had happened.

"Sapnap, I don't understand why you're so fixated on this. We've been through so much already. Can't we just move on?"

"Move on? How can you expect me to move on when Dream is out there, potentially causing more harm? We need to end this once and for all!" Karl's body shook with the accusation, Sapnap didn't talk to him and yet he was scared. Scared of his fiancé, scared of what he might do.

Tommy sighed, his voice tinged with exhaustion. And as his light and jokingly tone rang through the clearing. Karl couldn't help but smile, he had missed the boys humor, genuinely missed the good memories from before all the wars. "Well, well, well, Sapnap. If it isn't Captain Angry Pants himself. Look, dude, I'm tired of all this drama. Dream's chilling in the Arctic, and as long as he's freezing his feets off and minding his own business, I couldn't care less. I've got my music discs, Tubbo, Ranboo, and Michael by my side. We're living our best lives now, and that's where my focus is."

The conversation unfolded in front of him, and he wanted to interrupt, wanted to say something, but he couldn't. he was frozen in place as he watched the man he once loved kill himself piece by tiny piece. Because that was what this was, he wasn't going to win and Karl knew it, but he didn't know what to do about it either. He only knew that he had to do something, and that fast.

As Sapnap stormed off, Karl couldn't shake the feeling of helplessness. "What can I do to bring him back. How can I save him." And this time, he didn't think even time traveling could answer his questions.

Back in the arctic

The next day arrived, the soft rays of sunlight filtering through the cabin's windows, gently rousing the inhabitants from their slumber. Dream had spent much of the night tossing and turning, haunted by nightmares that refused to release their grip on his subconscious.

As the first one to wake up, Dream couldn't help but feel a mix of exhaustion and restlessness. He quietly slipped out of bed, careful not to wake the others. The events of the previous day, the return of George and the revelation about Sapnap, still weighed heavily on his mind.

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