Chapter 5

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So...this is probably the worst I have written so far and yeah...

Enjoy my terrible writing.


Dreams POV:

"How are you?"

I slowly opened my eyes to see Sam standing in front of me, he repeated the question. "How are you?" "What do you think" I answered before I threw up on the floor beside me. I forgot for a moment my terrible state and how I shouldn't speak. I wiped myself around my mouth with the sleeve of the sweater and looked up at him. He just looked at me before throwing around 10 potatoes beside me. I just looked at him and nodded with my head as a thank. 'But why is he coming with them instead of using the automatic system he created' I gave him a confused look  and he just took out chains and said "Well you will not longer be able to take the potatoes from the dispenser so I will be needed to give them to you manually until i have moved the dispenser.

I looked shocked up on him. "W-why?" I asked and pulled my knees closer to my stomach. "Well your know what you did to Quackity and I have heard some rumors from outside so its for the safety" he walked towards me and lifted up my foot and put on chains on my ankle and did the same to my other foot. "H, he attacked my first" I said, but Sam just ignored it and took my wrist. I tried to pulling it towards me but he just tightened his hold around my wrist and then I was helpless with my feet chained towards each other and my wrist chained towards the wall. I sighed and picked up a potato and ate a piece of it. Before Sam walked away he throw a roll of bandage on me. "Try to take some care of yourself" he said before leaving my cell and closing the lava wall.

(How I am picturing what Dream is like in his cell and with the chains. All credit goes to @inozuart on twitter. They have amazing art.)

I think I fainted after sam visited me

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I think I fainted after sam visited me. It maybe have been a few days cause my stomach is hungry, but i actually didn't have any meaning of time anymore. I picked up a potato and ate a piece of it. I looked down at the bandage sam had given me when he was here. My wrist was sore but i picked it up and tried the best i could to wrap it around the place Quackity had cut me but it wasn't easy so I gave up after around a half a hour of trying. I wrapped some bandage around my legs after Quackity's arrows, but Sam was stingy with with the bandage so i didn't have a lot of them.

I saw the blood coloring the bandages red and started feeling dizzy. 'This wasn't good' My head hurt and the pain in my side was not getting any better. I pressed my hands to the cut and tried to ignore the growing pain.

Technos POV:

I was standing outside the Prison and looked at in. 'A few hours from in time i will either be locked up in the prison or Dream is free and then I can try to figure out my relationship with that boy.'

I walked towards the Prison when I saw Sam standing in one of the watchtowers and looking around. I drank a potion of invisibility and walked on the opposite side of the prison where Sam was and going down the building  with scaffolding. When i was on the top i had no time to waste and starting drinking milk and mining the Blackstone and then the obsidian. After around half a hour i was on the last block of obsidian. I haven't seen Sam in a while and I think I am safe. 'If I just can mine through this last block then Dream can swim up here with help of water and then we are free' I started with the mining and drinking milk. 'This is too easy' i thought before breaking the last block and jumping down.

I landed on my feet and looked into the lava half a second before turning around and seeing Dream. I was shocked. He was laying on the floor in Fetal position with his wrist tied up with chains and locked to the wall and his ankles was chained to each other. I saw his sweater saw colored red from the blood, i think it was coming from his side, but i wasn't sure. He just lay there on the floor and i couldn't even tell if he he was breathing, i wasn't sure if he was even alive or not.

I ran the two meters that was between me and him and was falling down on my knees. "Dream?" I said while I lifted his head up and put it on my lap. "Please" i beg while i burrowing my hand into his soft hair. I looked down on his body and searching for his pulse, when i finally found it I breathed a sigh of relief, but i needed to get out of here and fast. His heart was beating slow. I took of my jacket and lay his head in it on the floor before I took my pickaxe and cut of the chains. The skin on his wrist was almost gone and they were red from the blood, the same with his ankles. The little bandages that were wrapped around his legs fell of when i touched them. it did not help at all so i just threw them away into the lava. They was useless.

I feel his heart rate decreasing rapidly. I just squeezed his hand and burrowed my head in his hair. I didn't care abut it smelling bad or that he didn't have a shower for months. I just wanted him to be alive. "Please Dream, wake up"


nothing i want to say...

Finally done.

I will try to post one chapter on Monday and two on Wednesday and Friday. So five chapters each week...

1057 words.

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