Chapter 3

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My fantasy is gone, so i don't really know what I am writing, but I'm trying...Just tell me when it it getting bad and i will try to change it.


Techno's POV:

I walked out of my cabin and looked at Steve with a sad face. "It needs to be done. He has been in there for far too long." I sighed. "I will be careful, it will be fine, I promise" I smiled at the polar bear, before I left Steve and my cabin and went inside the portal.

I walked out of the portal and went straight for the prison, I needed to take some notes before the actual rescue operation should take place. I walked around the big building of black stone and looking for weak places, I know there probably wasn't going to be a spot like that, but if I didn't check I couldn't be sure. But as I thought, there was nothing so I decided to look at the prison from the top, I think I know where Dream's cell was  so that could be helpful.

I used a trident and landed on the top of the prison, I walked around for some minutes and just looked around.

"What are you doing?" I heard a voice for the ground and looked down. It was Sam. "Technoblade!" He's voice was strict and suspicious. "Oh, Sam, I haven't see you in a while" I answered and walked over to the other side. Suddenly he heard footstep and saw Sam stand just a few meters away from me. "What are you doing" I heard, he was starting to get angry. "oh, just looking" I answer like it was the most normal thing to do. "Looking around you say, do you know what this building is" Sam was not happy, he took a few steps towards me. "Sam, Sam, Sam, of course I know what this is, isn't it a shopping centre?" I answer in the most polite way I could.

"A shopping centre!" He was angry. "What are you thinking about, Techno?" "Well, I need a lot of things right now, and a lot of red stone, so I thought I should come over here and see if I could get some." I was about to break out in laughter, but I held my mask. "Technoblade, I need you to go back to your home right now or I will kill you," Sam said and looked at me. "Why?" I asked and looked back at him. "Why can't I be here?" "I think you know why Technoblade," he said with a father-like voice. "Actually, I think I will stay. I need some more time here," I said, slowly moving my pickaxe into my hands from my inventory and looking at Sam. Sam sighed, "Why do you always have to do things in the most difficult way?" "Oh, you think that? I just want to do the things I think are necessary" I said and showed him a small smile. "Well, if you don't want to go, I need to do the things that are necessary for the safety of the SMP," he said, raising his sword ready to attack.

"Well I don't think your attempt to killing me will be necessary for keeping the prisoner in, it's not like he will be there for a long time, but it's my pleasure to kill you" I said before attacking him with my pickaxe.

3rd persons POV:

"WHAT?!" Sam yelled when Techno was attacking him. Technos pickaxe was a nightmare and chopped around Sam, so he barely managed to dodge them with the shield and sword while he was forced closer and closer to the edge by Techno. Sam was able to get a hit in, but it didn't do much. He knew that Techno was one of the best, if not the best PVP-er on the whole server so this would not end good for the prison guard. After around 30 seconds of fighting Techno got the opportunity and he was not going to let it go away so he laid all of is weight in the final chop with his pickaxe and punched Sam over the edge and he was falling the whole way down.

"Awesamdude fell from a high place whilst trying to escape Technoblade"

Techno looked down at the place Sam died and smiled to himself. Once again he got what he wanted and continued with looking around the wall and roof of the prison. He wasn't concerned about Sam coming again, at least not in the next minutes.

After around ten minutes Techno was finished and used his trident to jump down and landed in some water nearby. Techno walked around to the entrance and looked at the nether portal. He new that it wasn't going to take him to the prison, but he still want to know as much at possible about Pandora's Vault. The big building where Dream was held captive.

Techno slowly walked to the nether portal and back to his home to his cabin. He nodded to Steve when he passed him on the way into the cabin, where Phil was waiting for him. He walked in the tree door and was greeted by Phil's sharp gaze. "What have you done?" Phil says and looked at Technoblade. "Uhm...nothing special?" Techno answered while walking to his room. "Wait a minute there" Phil says suspicious and lay his book down at the table. "Is anything going on?" Techno say nervously and threw his pickaxe on his bed through the open door to this room. "Well, Sam was visiting for just a couple minutes ago and asked for you" he said and walked to Techno. "He said you killed him for no reason, I know you, well ehh...if I should say it right out. Like or or at least liked to fight people, but for no reason. I'm disappointed in you this time" Phil said while trying to get Techno to look at him. "It wasn't for no reason" Techno said annoyed. "He was threatening to kill me, I had no other choice, and it's not my fault I am better than him in PVP" Techno said the last with an innocent smile on his face.

"Techno, Techno, Techno" Phil sighed "I am sure Sam didn't threaten to kill you with no reason, what did you do?" Phil sat on the chair opposite of the one he sat down on. Techno slowly moved his body over to the chair and looked at Phil's face. "I was just joking with him" Techno said innocently. "Well what was the joke about, it wasn't about something illegal or something which could upset him?" Techno sighed, "Well it wasn't the most innocent joke, but it wasn't my fault that he took it so bad" Phil sighed and looked at his hands "what was it?" "Well I was just joking about his 'masterpiece' being a shopping centre" Techno said and looked down at his hands "and maybe I said something about the fact that Dream isn't going to be in the prison for much longer" Phil got up immediately from the chair and exclaimed "what was going through your mind, did you not think?" Phil sighed and looked at Techno "I'm not surprised he got mad at you"

Techno's POV:

I looked at Phil, "Hey, it was just a joke, and its true that a living Dream will no longer be in there if he continues living there" I said and raised from my chair. "Why are you so upset at the thought of him in there, its not like you are best friends, he was the one who lead the SMP, it's like a government, and isn't that what you are against?" Phil said and looked at me. "Well, its not...I just..." I didn't know what to answer. He was right, why should I care about Dream being imprisoned, it didn't change anything for my situation... "I, I need a break" I said, upset I walked into my room and locked the door after me. 'what was I thinking about, why should i care about that, i- m-, person...' I looked shocked at my hands 'maybe its just for the favor i need to repay..' I really hoped that was the case, I couldn't have any other relations with him the 'enemy' or whatever, or past business partner, like when we blew up L'manburg. (Good Times)~Beloved Editor:)

I was laying on my bed with my thoughts swirling around in my brain. I didn't know what i feel about him anymore...


Well, another chapter done, this was really frustrating to write because I didn't really know what to, yeah.

But i think things are going great, I hope it was ok to read.

I was writing some of this on my phone, so sorry if there are more spelling mistakes tha usual.

And the cover of the book and the name of the book fits maybe the book not that good, my original idea was trash, so I am trying to write something a little bit different because my first idea didn't have any meaning at all so i just couldn't work with it.

So i will maybe change the name of the book when I find some that i think fits the book, and i think that I also are going to change cover...

I just wanted to write that, so I also knew for myself when I did it...

1584 words.

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