Chapter 38

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Wow, I'm good at this.

I'm sorry for the late update, but like. Real life is destroying me right now and I don't know how to handle it so I end up just using bad coping methods and yeah...

But it is here now so...

And sorry if things happens a bit fast, I didn't want to write what happened with Dream & co, so I just wrote Sapnap...


3rd Persons pov:

Sapnap was angry. It was like something corrupted his mind, and now he has terrible ideas in his mind, even worse things than what Quackity did.

The raven-haired man walked back and forth in his new base, which he had built in one night, just a hole in some mountain wall, nothing special, but hidden with redstone mechanism so no one could find it.

And it wasn't because he was afraid of his fiancées or something; it was to hide something else.

And that something was a person.

And the base was not made for comfort.

The place he planned to hide this person was not made for the sake of the person's health or letting them have a vacation.

No, it was made for something much more cruel.

Nothing anyone would want to go through.

There is something worse than death, something worse than hell.

Sapnap knew exactly what he wanted to do.

He knew exactly the pain this action would cause its victim.

He knew exactly how broken his former best friend would be.

He knew he would never recover from it.

But he still planned it.

He still wanted to go through with it.

After all the time he had spent with this man,

Running around in the field

Hugging, cuddling, just being with each other.

And back in the days when they loved each other.

They were like family.

They were...

That night, Sapnap walked over to the arctic. With netherite armor on and a sword in hand, he was ready for everything. Or maybe not Technoblade, but he didn't plan on fighting that man this night.

The clock ticked past 1 am and he arrived at the peaceful cabin. He knew everyone would be asleep. They had to be, it was after midnight.

Originally, he had only planned on observing, seeing what happened, and finding out some things. Things he could use later.

But when he saw Dream sleeping peacefully in his bed, with no one else in the room, he couldn't do anything else than wonder if he could execute his plan tonight. He had all he needed.

The male stood outside Dream's window for approximately 10 minutes and spent another 20 walking around the cabin and looking into the other windows before he decided to execute his plan tonight.

This was bad.

Sapnap broke into the cabin without a sound, and maybe it was bad that Techno didn't set up better security and that it was so easy to break into the cabin in the night. But you have to excuse him. He had been busy with a green blob and making sure that he was okay.

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