Chapter 48

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So, new chapter. I have no more to say, nice.


Dream pov or set (the same as what the last ended with):

"Hey, you are safe now, nothing to be scared of." Techno said after sensing the fear in the air, how quckly Dream had turned his gaze away when he woke up.

"Do you want to sit up?" He asked after a while with silence.

What was he supposed to say to that, was he allowed to sit up? Yeah, surely. He just had to gather the strength to do so.

"Yes sir" He said, not forgetting the honorific that was drilled into his mind.

"Dream, Dream. You remember me right? You don't have to call me sir. I'm not like him, I'm not like them. You're safe here, remember?" Techno said, his voice soothing and calm, but you could see the desperation in his eyes.

"Wha- I'm sorry master" Dream answered, biting in the question he originally was going to ask, he didn't need to know anything more than what master thought was good for him.

"No, No. No horrific, I'm not master or sir or anything. You don't have to call me that. Just Techno, okay?"

"Yes si-, Techno" Dream answered, looking down at the blanket in his lap.

" you want some water?" Techno finally asked after helping Dream sit up properly, looking between him and the doorway.

Dream was silent for a while before he finally gained the courage to give a nod before stoping and opening his mouth to answer instead. Sir didn't like when he didn't answer, surely Techno wanted him to speak up to, "Thank you Techno"

Techno asked if he wanted so surely it was okay to accept. He was thirsty after all and some water would definitely help. And it wasn't like he demanded much, was it?

3rd person pov or smt:

Techno walked out of the room and instantly walked over to Phil who sat in a chair with his nose deep in a book.

"Phil, he's -he's not okay..." Techno cried out, voice breaking as the realization settled in.

"What do you mean? Did he wake up?" Phil asked, looking up and tried to  analyse his expression.

"Yes, he woke up, but he looks scared of me and he called me sir or master and he talks so sad like he has lost all his emotions and it looked like he was scared of saying yes to water. Like I knew that Sapnap messed him up but this...what happened and why is he so scared of me. I'm not going to hurt him am I?" Techno rambles, hands waving around him and gaze looking at Phil and desperation and a search for comfort and reassurance that it would be okay.

"Hey, it's okay." Phil said, voice low and calm as he stood up and laid a hand on Techno's shoulder.

"You didn't do anything wrong and I KNOW that you will never hurt him. And he do remember you, we just need to convince him about the same and that he's safe here. And maybe it will take some time, but it will be okay after a while. I promise." Phil said before he walked into the kitchen and filled up two glasses of water.

"Thank you." Techno muttered while he watched Phil handing him one of the glasses and staring at him until he drank the water before both of them walked back into Dream's room.

Techno walked in first before Phil followed and Dream tensed up at the fact that there was two people inside there and he didn't know if that was a good or bad thing.

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