Chapter 8

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Techno POV:

I walked into my cabin, I have been on a small visit to the prison, with invisible potions of course though, i didn't want anyone to see me, but it didn't seem like they have noticed that Dream is gone, and i guess that if the know they would have came to me, i don't think Sam like me that much.

I walked into my cabin and throw away my small backpack in the diner table, Phil can move it if he didn't like it there. I walked then straight into my room. Dream.

I looked down at Dream, he lay on the floor and the dove was on the floor to, a little away from him. 'How did he came all the way over there?' I quickly liftet him up and lay him in the bed again. He was warm, I ran to the bathroom and found a wet towel and lay it on Dreams forehead, then I liftet the dove up and lay it around him, even if he was warm I didn't want him to be cold after, he lay there just in his boxer anyway. 'But he need to have moved, he need to have waked up how should he have moved all the way over there if he did dint wake up' i sat down at the chair and looked at him, he was sweating. I looked down at his dirty blond hair, it was still a mess, a beautiful mess thought. He had scars all over his body, his face was not An exception, you could barely see the weak freckles on his face spreading all over his nose and on to his cheeks.

I walked over to the kitchen and take a glass of water with me and a sandwich, i lay it on the table beside the bed. If Dream was going to wake up and I wasn't here he will have some food and water, I bet he is thirsty or hungry. not that he would be able to wake up. I'm not going to leave this cabin until I am sure that Dream is okay, not matter what Philza is saying.

*A few hours later*

I sat on the chair and looked down at him, i have been doing this for the past few hours, is it creepy? I don't think so, I just need to be sure he is okay.

Suddenly I heard a noice. I looked down at Dream, he had a scared look on his face and he was trying to move himself into a foster position. He made small noises, it was not cute but I don't think he was okay. I lay my hand on his shoulder. "Dream, Dream" I says while I shaking him carefull, "are you okay" I said trying to wake him up, I didn't want him to suffer.

He slowly opening his eyes and looked up on me. "Tec-" His voice cracked and he cough. I picked up the glass with water and and handed it to him, His hand was shaking when he was about to take the glass. "I should help you" I took the glass an leaned it on his mouth and started to slowly pour the water down his throat. He coughed a few times before trying to speak again. "Techno, where, why?" He looked confused and his gaze was terrified. He tried to sat up in the bed but collapsed down again. I looked at him, he was so helpless so weak, but he was awake an now that was all that mattered.

He took some pillows and lay in back him and helped him up in a half sitting position leaning on the pillows. "How?" He asked and tried to pull the dove up on him. I helped him and wrapped the dove tightly around him before started to tell.

"Well I found you in the prison for two weeks and two days since, you was locked up to the wall with chains, you was bleeding from several places and just layer down on the flor half dead, you had barely Puls and you heart rate was critical low, i didn't know if you would survive, but i took you with my to my home. I cleaned you up and cleaned all of the wounds and cuts you had, I don't know hoe you got them or how terrible it was in the prison, but in the condition you was in I don't think it was like paradise. "I-" Dream said before staring to cough. "It's okay, tell me when you feel for it" I said and stroke my hand through is soft hair. "Well like I said, I took you with me home and you have been asleep since, I didn't know if you would wake up, but i hope so. I will get revenge on all the people that have done things to you, every little one will regret what they have done and never forget it" I didn't know why I said that, I didn't care about him that much, but...

"Do you want some food?" I asked and looked at him. He nodded his head and i lifted the plate with the sandwich over to his bed and on his dove. "Do you need help" I asked looking at his shaking hands that tried to take the sandwich. "N, no" he said and picked it up and moved it to his mouth, he took a bite before the sandwich fall down to the dove. "Looks like you isn't that strong that you used to be" I said wit a weak smile and picked up the sandwich and lay in on the plate again. "I will help you, okay?" I nodded his head and sighted. 'I don't think he like being the helpless, he was the king of the server one time, but now he ist able to eat on his own, it must be terrible"

I helped him with the food and after around 15 minutes the sandwich was half eaten up and payed on the plate on the table beside the bed. "Thanks" he said and leaned back to the pillows. "nothing to thanks for, after all you have been through, and you are still alive, that is respect, so you deserve it" I smiled at him, he looked so weak as he lay the in the bed. "I don't know Techno, respect is maybe not the word everyone would have used" he looked sad. His gaze moved to his hands an he looked at them. "this isn't something to respect..." He sighed

"I think so" I said. "I don't know what you have been through in the prison, but you didn't look good when i found you, you was almost dead so i don't thing you have had the best treatment in the cell" Dream nodded his head weak. "But..." he said and looked shamed up on me "it nothing to be sorry for, right now you are just going to rest and be better, and if you want to talk, I am here. I will listen to all you want to say and then I will go and find Sam and all the other persons that have done something to you and kill them slowly and painful"

Dream closed his eyes but this time with a smile on his face. "Thanks"

This is messy, but okay

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