Chapter 17

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Techno's pov:

"Hey hey hey, we don't need to fight," Tommy said, lowering Sapnap's sword and looking me in the eyes. "It's not me that wants to kill something here. It's you guys that have stormed my house and thrown out false statements and threatened me. " I said this in a calm and controlled voice.

I noticed Phil had laid a hand on my shoulder. He tried to calm me down. The others didn't know about it, but the voices did. The voices in my head were screaming. They demanded blood. "Blood for the blood god!" they screamed. "Kill them all." "BLOOD" "KILL" "We want blood" "Protect Dream" "Kill Sapnap, kill Tommy" they screamed my head full. I could barely hear my own thoughts.

Just standing there and knowing that Dream may be in danger and that the people in front of me. The people in front of me were the biggest threat to Dream. And if they manage to get their hands on Dream,No, no I can't let them.

"So Dream are here. In this house. Right now. And you have met him? " Sapnap said. Half a question, half a statement, and half a threat. "I haven't seen Dream for over half a year. But I have visited the prison. And I know all of you. "I stared at each other, death in my gaze. "And I know how much you enjoyed torturing him." I sights, but didn't turn my gaze down and continued to pinn Sap with it.

"Let us search the house then." Quackity said from the back. "If Dream isn't here, then you have nothing to hide. I think Phil noticed that my body began to tremble since he removed his hand, so it wouldn't be that obvious. "Well, I may not have Dream here, but that doesn't mean that I don't have other private things that YOU are not allowed to see."

Tommy spun around and grabbed Phil. He pressed his sword against his throat. "Do you mind saying that again?" He smiled at his words. Knowing that it wasn't a question and that I would never let them hurt Phil. No one is allowed to touch that man and then come away with it.

"You move away from that man, Tommy." My voice was threatening and I didn't mind to hold the voices away now. And with both Phil and Dream in danger, I knew that I wouldn't be able to hold them again anyway, so I just let them scream. Scream my head full of death threats. Blood for the blood god. They screamed. Again and again and again.

"I don't think so" Tommy just smiled. Pressing the sword deeper into Phil's skin. Blood dripped from the sword and onto the floor. I raised my sword and walked towards Tommy. Ready to fight whenever I need to. I knew I could take all of them done. But I didn't know if I could hold Phil safe at the same time.

"Not that fast. Lay down your sword or Phil will lose his head. " Tommy said. Courage in his voice. A self esteem I never had seen in this boy before. "And think of it, Techno. This man here has only one life. What would happen if Tommy cut his head straight off? " Sapnap said. Smiling over his own statement, my body trembled. I looked at him dead in the eyes, but I put my sword on the couch, not that it mattered that much. I still had my knives and my fists.

"What do you want?" I asked. "And why are you dragging Phil into this mess? I guess this is more between me and you, so I suggest that we just let Phil walk away and we can take it. Without dragging innocent people into this mess, "I tried. My mind didn't register what I said before I had already said it. The voices were too loud.

"Philza is clearly in this mess too. You know that Phil makes this so much easier for us. " Quackity laughed at his own words. "But we just want to search your house. If we find Dream, we will take him. If not... well... time will show, "Quackity said. Half laughing. "But I'm sure we will find him," Tommy said. Trying to calm himself down, but also trying to use it as a threat against me.

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