Chapter 16

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Dream pov:

Phil has been staying over with me and Techno since he got home from the trip he was on. It's not that I don't enjoy having him here. Because I do. It's just making it so much harder to escape tonight. I have planed everything. In the next two hours, I will be gone.

The clock is 10pm and techno is going to bed around 11 and Phil just some minutes before. So if I thought right, then I could jump out of the window in my bedroom and slide down from the roof, and then I'd be free. Or I wouldn't use the world for free. I don't do this to be free, I do it because it's the right thing to do. Even if it hurt to leave Techno here, I'm going to miss him. I didn't even have the opportunity to say hi to George or Bad or Sapnap before I leave forever, but it's probably the best thing to do. I guess I just have to live with it.

Techno pov:

I sat down at the dinner table with Phil and talked. I have missed talking to him like this. Just about nothing and everything. No judgment, no harassment, no hiding, nothing to be scared of. Just talking out things and getting them out of the system, and then none of us would say anything about it later. It was a nice thing with Phil. I haven't had a conversation about nothing since I planed to get Dream out, things have just been complicated, but now. Finally, things are a little bit more peaceful.

3rd person pov:

Six boys were standing outside Techno's cabin that evening. Six men geared up with full enchanted netherite armour and weapons. There were six people who were ready to find Dream and kill him brutally. Six boys who underestimated the power of Phil and Techno.

Sapnap gave the five other boys a sharp gaze before knocking at the door of the cabin where two men sat down and talked peacefully, not knowing what was about to happen.

"I take it." Phil said as he walked towards the door. Techno's body was tense and his gaze flicked around in the house. There was something wrong. "Be careful", the pink haired male said to Phil. Phil just gave Techno a calming gaze before slowly opening the door.

"Where is Dream" Sapnap's words came like a tornado and slapped Phil right in the face. He just stood there and looked confused at the six boys who were standing outside the cabin. Techno on the inside had heard Sapnap's strict and angry voice and quickly ran into the bedroom where Dream sat and read a book.

Techno's pov:

"They are here." My voice was filled with terror. I was scared. Not of the six men outside, I could easy win over them in a fight, but Dream. if they took Dream. No, I couldn't let myself think of what they would do to him. I lifted Dream straight up and ignored his confused gaze. "I will explain later, just be quiet" I whispered and earned a weak nod from the dirty blond haired male.

3rd Persons pov:

Techno quickly opened a secret door behind a big painting of him and Phil. It was from the good old days, when the blood god and the angel of death were together. In a peaceful time. One of the few centuries with peace. After the blood god had helped a king get revenge on another king. Neither of them remembered the names of all the weak kings or queens they had helped, either if it was for money, or if the blood god's voices became too loud and he needed to satisfy them.

It was a good time back then. Nothing was too serious. Just surviving and living with the angle of death. The only thing the blood god needed to think about was surviving, not that that was something that was too complicated. He was a god, after all. But things were so much simpler back then. It was just blood. The Blood God was going out to satisfy his voices or earn some money by fighting some wars and killing a lot of stupid people that he didn't even remember the names of.

A life with rules to kill or be killed, nothing more, nothing less.

One century after the war, the blood god and the angel of death lived together. Neither of them questioned the year, and they were just talking, talking about nothing and everything. about wars and battles. About family and death. The painting was from the best memory the blood god had. It's a time he'll never get to relive, at least not for a long time.

Peace was never really an option.

Techno stared at the painting a little longer than he thought, so Dream napped in the pink hair to get Techno back to reality. "Sorry" whispered Techno before running down a stair behind the painting and opening a chest. "In there," he said, pointing to the darkness in the chest. Techno didn't really want to force Dream down there and guilt was building up in his chest. The voices were screaming about Dream never being able to forgive him after this, but Techno ignored them, or at least tried to.

Dream sat down inside the chest and let Techno lock it over him. I put on a lock so it would be harder to open, and maybe if the others came down here, they wouldn't take the time to open it up.

Techno stabbed his sword in the back of the chest to make a hole so Dream could at least breath, the last thing the pink haired male wanted to was killed him.

But maybe death by suffocation was better than being taken by Dreams ex friends.

Meanwhile, Techno was hiding Dream, Phil had to deal with the hunters.

Phil's pov:

I tried to lock the door but Sapnap's foot got inside and then the battle was lost. "What do you want?" I said, trying to meet Saps' gaze, but he just pushed the door open and looked around in the living room.

"You heard us," Tommy said, stepping in after Sapnap, not daring to look up at my face. I looked down at my boy, sighed, and knew I couldn't do a thing about Tommy's side in this fight. He had benn thought so much, so I couldn't actually blame him for his choice.

"We want Dream. We know he is here, " Tommy continued as the other hunters walked into the cabin and were standing still and just looking around.

"He isn't here, isn't he in prison?" I tried to play dumb, hoping they believed my lie and just walked away. Of course they didn't do that.

"Don't play stupid, you know better than that." Sapnap said. He raised his sword and held it ready to stab me if he needed to. Not that I would let him. I rolled my eyes. "Why do you need him in the first place? If he's gone, isn't that a good thing? He wouldn't bother you, and Sam could be free from his job in prison. " I said it, and I meant it. I knew Dream wouldn't be back to bother them. But I couldn't say that.

"That bastard would do anything to make our lives a living hell. Oh, he will come back if he gets the chance to. But we aren't going to let him." Punz said, but his neural face remained through the whole sentence.

"I don't care. Do you know what hell he has been through? It's you guys that are the real Tyrans here. " Techno had come back, and even if the others didn't know it, I knew how much he cared about Dream. I had seen it, and I knew that Techno could kill all the members of the smp just to keep Dream safe. And he wouldn't hesitate to start with the six here if they threaten Dream.

"So you have seen Dream?" Sapnap started to smile and, with a small movement of his hand, all the others stood behind him with their swords and axes ready.

I don't know...

It's something?

1385 words.

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