Chapter 24

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Tommy pov:

"And that's how we will capture the monster." I smiled at Sapnap, who smiled back.

George opened the door with red and puffy eyes. He had a fake smile on his face, but everyone could see that he had cried, and we heard it too, so he didn't have to hide it. "I'm sorry, just continue." He let his body fall down on a chair between Sapnap and Sam and just stared out at the wall with an empty gaze.

"Well, we all know the plan, so we will go and kill the monster tonight." Sapnap smiled at all the people around the table except George, who gave out a wimper when he said "monster." He was probably just scared of his ex-friend.

"I think we should tell the other people that he is coming here tonight. They need to know that he will soon be dead." I tried to ignore George's whimpers. Why did he make them in the first place. We are all scared of the Tyran, but none of us has expressed this kind of fear. "Yeah, I can find them and we can all meet up here again in an hour." Ponk said, I nodded at him before Sapnap talked.

"That's a plan, Sam and Ponk will find all the other members, and then we will meet up here in an hour and then we will get all the stuff we need to fight Techno and get the villain and kill him." He got up from his chair and walked out, and the other followed right behind.

I grabbed Georges' shoulder and turned him around when he was about to walk out. "We will find him and then kill him." I smiled at him, trying to calm him down. "I promise."

George pov:

"I promise."

I ran out of the room, tears falling down my cheeks and my eyes getting blurry. I started to hyperventilate, but I continued to run, running to the place my feet took me, since I didn't see anything and I didn't think of anything else than Him.

How could he promise to ki- how could he promise to get rid of him when he was already gone and that's my fault.

I killed my best friend.

I fell down on the ground, laying still in a fetal position for something that felt like an eternity, but was probably just ten minutes. But I lay there, eyes half closed. They hurt too much to close them, but too much to hold them open. Tears filled my gaze, and I didn't see anything other than a blurry world. I didn't even know where I was.

After three eons, I sat up and tried to wipe the tears from my eyes.I did cry anymore, not because I wasn't sad anymore, I just hadn't the energy to do it and there didn't come more tears, just sore eyes, but I deserved the pain.

I lay in what I found out was the woods for the next hours, half sleeping over the meeting I was supposed to attend, but I didn't and no one came to look after me, or they just didn't find me. At this point, I didn't really care. I was too tired to help myself awake, but in too much pain and sorrow to be able to sleep, so I lay there, having panic attacks three times each hour and draining myself for every little fibre of energy in my body.

Tubbo pov:

I sat down on a chair beside Ranboo, grabbing his hand like my life depended on holding it. I didn't know why I just had this amount of fear, not fear towards someone or something, just fear. I was completely afraid, and losing my grip on Ranboo's hand was the most terrifying thing I could do.

"So, I guess you all know why we called you inn here, but I'll tell you anyway." Tommy's voice echoed throughout the whole room. He was covered in shining purple-toned armour from top to bottom, making him both look and sound so much more terrifying than he was, and my body responded with trembling, I didn't think I would be afraid of my own best friend.

"We are planning to capture Dream tonight." Sapnap said, Tommy flinched at his name before giving Sapnap a weak kick in his leg. "So the monster is going to be captured and thrown in Pandora's Vault when the sun rises tomorrow, and then." An evil smirk was shown on his face, and we all knew what he meant, and I didn't like it.

"Ranboo," I whispered, tapping his arm until he looked down at me. "Is there something?" He looked down at me, giving me a calming smile, and dragged his hand through my hair. "I don't want to be here." My voice had started shaking and I felt tear rolling down my left cheek. "Are you sure? It's over soon." He wiped the tears away. "I don't want to do this. Can we go...Please." I looked into his caring and safe eyes. "Okay, I got you." He smiled at me before raising his hand.

Sapnap rolled his eyes before nodding to Ranboo. "We need to go. Now." He almost smiled at Sapnap, but his expression stayed neutral. "No. No one is allowed to leave before I'm done." He raised his voice, trying to stare my husband down, but Ranboo stayed still. StaringI stared at the man in front of him with no anger in his face, trying to get Sapnap to let me go. "We need to. It's an emergency." "Nothing is more important than this, the monster needs to be captured." Sapnap's voice was scary, I didn't like it, but why, Dream should be in prison. Shouldn't he? So why was I scared?

"Sometimes personal needs are more important than knowledge we already know. I'm sorry." Ranboo grabbed my hand and dragged me out, but not in a harsh way or anything, just a gentle touch and soft motions. I could hear Sapnap swearing when we walked out, but Ranboo just pulled me into a hug as soon as we were out of the room. "Everything is going to be okay, I promise." 


Sorry if the part with Tubbo is shit. I had a hard time writing something that involved Mr. Boo after the lore on November 28th, but I hope it didn't affect the storey that much.

And what do you think about more gogy angst and him mentally torturing himself and just a huge amount of gogy angst in this, or is that too much?

Sorry for publishing and then unpublishing it again. There was part of the storey that I forgot to save, and then you got an unfinished story. Sorry for the delay, but I needed to rewrite it and unfortunately I don't remember exactly what I wrote about...

And sorry for the grammar. I've written this like five times since Wattpad didn't like me and it got deleted, and I deleted it once, and yeah, So I was simply too tired to go over this and that...I apologize.

1188 Words 

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