Chapter 49

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Almost chapter 50, anything specific you want to see for that chapter?


Dream pov:

Sirs words sent shivers through my body, just listen to Techno and everything will be fine. Just listen to Phil and Techno and it will be okay, you will be fine.

Phil is safe, right? Just like in Pandora, Techno is like sir and Phil's the warden. He makes sure everything goes okay and that I behave and do what I need to and Techno, that was what he wanted to be called right? Well, he's like sir, he has to punish me and make sure I learn what I need to learn.

Makes sure I remember that I'm not human, I don't deserve the human necessities, I'm fine just like this and I need to learn how to behave and it's just that I sometimes act up and it's my fault that things are like this. If I just behaved right, and I will do that here.

I will behave perfectly, make sure I'm the best version of myself and maybe Techno keeps me, maybe he can be my owner.

Dream fell back to sleep after that, finally satisfied with himself.

George pov:

I'm tired. (No surprise..)

And Phil was right in one way that he slept far too much, but it was just so much easier and he was just so so tired. The guilt after killing Dream, the guilt of not being able to stop Sapnap. The guilt of being alive and hurting his best friend was eating him alive and the only way he knew to cope was to sleep.

He had never been great with feelings and if something had bothered him back in the good old day, Dream or Sapnap would find out and help him without any need for struggles of stupid arguments, but now? One of his friends laying half dead in bed because his other friend had gone insane and kidnapped him for the chance of torture.

And after the war and the three of them had started slipping away from each other, George had turned to sleeping his problems away and he didn't notice when sleeping a day became two days, then a week or a month.

But something had changed that night Dream died, he still slept for a long time but he didn't sleep good anymore, his dreams were haunted by nightmares, colours blending together and voices screaming at him, screaming words he didn't understand.

He saw fighting scenes and tombstones, he saw Dream running around carefree and him in pandora, he saw the whole storyline of the smp but he couldn't do anything about it. And sometimes he saw other images, images death, of a God holding threads, sometimes he saw images of a woman in a purple dress and a big hat but images were blurred, black spots flying everywhere and coating his vision.

His mind screaming at him each time he fall asleep but each time he wakes up he barely remembers anything else than vague shadows and simple words spinning around in his brain and it's almost breaking him.

George didn't exactly know what happened when he heard footsteps outside of the room he slept in and someone moving boxes, or what he found out was a chest. But when he looked out of his window minutes later and saw a figure in full netherite armor walking through the snow and towards the nether portal he knew what was happening.

So without hesitation opened then window and jumped outside, falling slowly down to the ground before landing soft at the snow, like the air itself had helped him land gracefully.

He didn't have the time to think about that tho, he had to stop Techno before he did anything too stupid for his own good.

And it wasn't that he didn't trust Techno, he had seen how the warrior fought and he didn't doubt he knew to pick the fights he knew he would win but this, this was different.

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