Chapter 6

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I changed the cover of the book. I don't know what to do with the name but i guess i will just keep it even if the book have nothing in common with it. (: 


Technos POV:

After around five minutes with just laying beside Dream I got up and looked down at him. I needed to get him out of here. I tried to just lifted him up and surprisingly enough he was very light, not that he had a opportunity to be very heavy in the prison, but I thought he weighed more. I took a good hold around him and then climbed up the hole in the roof and up on the top of the prison. I lay Dream down and filled the hole so it wasn't that obvious that I have been here and stolen the most precious thing in the Prison. 

I carried Dream the whole way back to my cabin. 'This was easier that i thought, i was prepared to fight to get him out there' I walked into my cabin, Phil wasn't there but i didn't care. Now I needed to make sure Dream would survive. I lay him carefully down on my bed before i ran out to the bathroom and picked up a few potions of instant healing and bandages. I ran back to the bed and tried to pour the potions into Dreams mouth, but that wasn't easy. After five minutes and a lot of spillage I was able to get two potions into Dream. I carefully took of his sweater and with a wet cloth I started cleaning his body. I didn't know if he was okay with it, but right now he just had to accept it. I cleaned up his cut and then wrapped it with bandages. 

After around a hour I was finally done. I lay a cold cloth on his forehead and sat a chair beside the bed. "Dream?" I asked softly. I sighed, but I didn't actually think he would wake up. his chest went slowly up and down, I think his Pulse was a little more stable. I brushed some of his hair from his face and looked down at him. I really hope he just was sleeping and not....

I sighed, I have been siting beside him for around three hours now. I shouldn't be doing this, but I couldn't go. What if something happens when I am gone. I couldn't leave with that on my mind. 

"Techno?" I heard Phil's voice from the kitchen. "What?" I said while slowly getting up and starting walking towards the kitchen. "Where have you been?" he said. "Didn't you saw the note i wrote?" I said confused and leaned against the door. "Of course i saw it, but you said soon, when did you come back?" He asked and packing out some things he had in his backpack. "A little over four hours, the clock is just 8pm" I said calmly. "yeah, and you left the house around 10am, you have been gone for six hours, that's not soon". "I think i did it pretty fast" i said with a smile. "It's not everyday you need to rescue some from a high security prison"  He shook his head in frustration "I was worried, I thought you had been captured, or at least not been able to rescue him" Phil looked at me. "Where is he?" He looked at me and nodded towards my room. I smiled weakly in reply and walked in right before him.

"Is he sleeping?" he asked me. "I don't know..." i said with concern and sat down on my chair and stroked my hand through his dirty blonde hair.  "I found him like this but in a much worse condition, he was chained up to the wall, and the little bandage he had was loose and completely useless, I don't know if he will wake up" I sighed and looked down at my hands. "If i just had come a little bit sooner" "You couldn't know" Phil lay a hand on my shoulder. "I'm sure he will be okay, just see how caring you are for him, he will wake up, it may take a day or two, but I'm sure he will be okay"

"I can't believe they treated him like that. He couldn't even walk around properly. He was forced to be on the one side of the cell. I know they think he did wrong things, but no one deserves a fate like that, they didn't even have plans for letting him out" I almost started to cry. I got up in frustration and starting walking back and forth in the room while I waved my arms about. "They left him alone with no visitors, how could they!?" I asked Phil in frustration. You could hear my voice was desperate, angry and sad at the same time. "I sat down at the floor and  looked up at them, my gaze flickered between Phil and Dream. "I don't know" Phil says and pulled a hand slowly through my hair. "But no we just need to wait, keep up with your daily tasks and try to don't spend all of your time inn here, its not good for you, and you know it" Phil had a tone of strictness inn his voice, but it was caring as always. "I know, I know" I sighted and took a deep breath inn. 

I looked at Dream, he was sleeping peacefully, If you could say that, I didn't even know if he was asleep or just gone. I walked over to him and lay my hand on his chest, it was warm. I found his heartbeat. It was stable. I breathed peacefully out. I didn't know why but I needed to be sure he was okay. At this point i knew this was for more that just a favour i owed him, it needed to be something more, I think I want it to something more too. I shook my head, "think Techno, think. This isn't good for any of you, Dream have been in prison, he have gone through a lot of things, you are not going to sympathise with a enemy, at least don't think of a future with him involved. 

But i couldn't look away from him. I sat with my legs crossed and my hands holding on to his sweater from the prison. It was full of dirt and had a big hole on the side with red blood around, it was a reminder of the things Dream had to go through. I looked up on him with a sad gaze. His dirty blond hair was a mess, but it was still beautiful, he looked so sweet, how could something like that do things that deserved torture and life imprisonment. I sighted. His freckles was almost gone but you could still se some of them spread over his nose and on to his cheeks. His mouth was a small little beauty in his face, with round, red hear formed lips. What a pleasure it would be to see him smile again. Actually I couldn't remember last time i saw a real smile, I remember it under the destroying of L'manburg, but was that a real smile? I don't know, he was happy but...



This was just a techno mess. 

Well enjoy? 

I don't know, but yeah...

1242 words 

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