Chapter 44

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Hiiii, new chapter.

Yayyyyy New Chapter Pog!

You didn't think I would actually let Dream get away that fast and without any pain? Of course not, it can't be that easy, and he can't get rid of what Sapnap did so fast, I'm sorry my lovely readers, but here's more angst and torture.

That was very sophisticated Josh, I even read that in my British Accent, which I was conveniently born with but you get the point, sOpHiStIcAtEd

New link that hopefully works:

Or add me Joshy#2467 and I'll invite you then (or just add me for talking or something)

CW: torture, blood, knives, Angst, so yeah. Just be careful while reading.


3rd person pov:

Dream woke up to Sapnap strutting inside the room and kicking him in the stomach, Dream let out a groan and opened his eyes, tears rolling down his cheeks when he realized that it all was just an evil dream. A nightmare.

"What the fuck are you doing?" He asked, looking down at Dream and his tears.

"I'm sorry sir." He answered, voice barely above a whisper

"Which rule did you break?" Voice stern and a gaze that Dream could never remember seeing on Sapnap's face before the war, when it was just them two.

"I wished I deserved better, I thought of myself as a human and a person with privileges and I didn't want to be with you anymore" Dream answered, picking at the skin around his nails.

"And what does that lead to?"

"I need to get punished, sir"

"That's right, what do you want to use today, maybe the knife, or do you want to try out the new gift I brought for you." Sapnap asked, or not asked, more demanded, Dream didn't get to decide anyway.

"I would really like that sir." Dream answered, his face looking down at his feet.

"Good, sit still." Sapnap dumped his bag on the floor and after a second of searching he iced up something that looked like a collar.

He walked towards Dream and put it on, Dream didn't know what was so special with this one but he knew better than to ask.

But it didn't take long before he found out what it did, t was a shock collar and Dream hated it from the first second.

"Every time you misbehave I will have to punish you with this, understand?" Sapnap explained"Yes sir." Dream answered, hands still shaking.

"Good, now go to your corner." Dream did as he was told and went to the corner with his head down and his eyes closed, hoping that maybe this would be just a dream again, like it has been so many times before. But he knew better than to wish for something like that.

He heard the door open and close and then he saw Sapnap walking towards him, holding a knife in one hand and a bunch of needles in the other.

Sapnap started dragging the knife down Dream's arms, and every time he squirmed or moved, a shock was delivered though the collar, and since Dream was a person (something neither of them believed anymore), he couldn't help but move when the knife was pressed into him, leading to a vicious cycle of pain and torture.

"Oh yes and one's your Birthday...but we both know you don't deserve to be congratulated for living another year of your pathetic life right?" Sapnap smiled a fake smile.

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