Chapter 7

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Trying to write something with a little bit of dimension and passion, but as you see it isn't working (:



3rd Persons POV:

It has been two weeks since Dream escaped from Prison. He has been asleep or in a coma or what you will call it since. Techno didn't leave the house for the three first days. On the fourth day Phil got him on a hunting tour in the woods, but Techno complained all the time about Dream being left alone in the house so they walked back after around a hour. On the fifth day Techno left the house of his own free will.

After a week Techno started to getting worried, not that he wasn't worried from before, but Dream hadn't show any sign of that he was alive except that his heart still beats. He gave him food and water everyday, but he just lay there, on the bed, didn't move a muscle. Techno did everything to make Dream wake up but it didn't help. The worst feeling was to feel helpless. Techno remember when the Butcher Army tried to kill him. How helpless he had felt then. The moment when he lost the fight. He had dreamed about it so many time.

"Technoblade, drop everything. Or I'm going to kill this horse right in front of you." ~ Quackity

And even if that was a terrible moment Techno didn't know if this was worse, don't know when Dream would wake up. Or if he would.

Dreams POV:

I could've see anything, it was just dark. I felt a intense pain all over my body. But this wasn't Prison. Even if i couldn't see, I felt the air was cleaner. It wasn't the warm heat from the lava wall or the air that have been there since the prison was build, and i lay on something soft. Not like a obsidian floor, and more like a bed. The thoughts in my mind started spinning around. This wasn't the place I last remember.

I tried to slowly opened my eyes but was blended of a bright light and was forced to close them again. My head hurst just of that one little movement, how should I walk if just opening my eyes for half of a second cause so much pain. I just lay there, didn't move a muscle for minutes. After a little I tried to open my eyes again, this time i hold them open for around two seconds before i need to close them again. I kept doing this for around 15 minutes I think, time was still a confusing topic. After the 15 minutes i was able to hold my eyes open, the was still bright and the pain wouldn't go away, but i have been exposed to so much worser pain than this so this wouldn't break me down.

I looked around me. 'Techno. Technoblade' i didn't understand what was going on. 'This was Techno's cabin, but. But why' I tried to sat up in bed, but i fall back into laying positions again. My arms hurts and i didn't have any energy so i was just laying there. Feeling helpless and useless. I looked around, seeing a set of enchanted netherite armour, some chests and barrels, some pictures of him, one of Phil and him, a picture with him and Wilbur and one with the whole family, Phil, Techno, Wilbur and Tommy. They looked like a happy family, so beautiful and peacefully. The was a closet in the end of the room, it was big and of tree with something that looked like royal carvings, it was beautiful. Beside the bed it was a small table with a lamp on and a stack of books, the table was in the same style as the closet. The was also a chair standing with the bed, i didn't know what it was for but what should I do.

I tried to move my legs, it hurts. I pushed the duvet down to the floor and looked down at myself. I lay in just a boxer. Both of my legs was tightly wrapped in bandages, i remember Quackitys arrows who was shot inn both of my legs, that was why it hurts so much. My ankles was wrapped too, it was tight and it was difficult to move them. My wrists was wrapped in they too, it was hard to move but i could, don't without causing an intense pain though. I looked at my chest, I had bandages there too. My side hurst from Quackitys sword, I remember that night like it was yesterday, don't that it was so long time ago, actually I don't know how long time it have been since...

I guess Techno had done this to me, just like he got me out of the prison. 'But why? I know that i saved him when he was about to be executed by the butcher army, but this...and if he saved me to repay it, why now, why didn't he do it before or later...but if he had came later, would I be alive?' I sighted and looked down at me, I didn't have the envy to life the dove up from the floor or take the carpets that lay on the other side of the bed so I just closed my eyes and tried to sleep.

*A few hours later*

I woke up abruptly and looked around, I was warm and wet of the sweat that ran down me, I looked scared around before breathing peacefully out. I had a dream, or a nightmare, I was back there, with Quackity. My hands were shaking, actually my whole body was shaking from the flashback. It was from a few months ago, one of the nights when Quackity had visited me, it wasn't that long since he had started. He had his axe with him and a a Evelin smile on his face when he was holding his axe under my head on rested it agains my throat. I remember the terrible feeling when i pressed it harder inn and the blood started to ran down and unsere my sweater.

I looked around, i was trembling. I was still in Technos cabin. I looked at the clock on the wall, it was 2pm. I have slept in around 3 hours, not that i felt that I had rested enough. I didn't have the energy to speak, but I don't thing Techno is home anyway so it doesn't really matter.

I couldn't do anything, I just lay there, in my bed and was about to melt of the warmth I felt. I didn't have the energy to go and open one of the windows, it was probably cold outside and i didn't want to be too cold either, the cabin was in a snow biome anyway so... I was hungry, I really hope there was something other that potatoes here, I know Techno love potatoes, but he can't live on just that.

I tried to raise me, after five tries i did it, I was sitting in the bed now, i was dizzy and it hurst in my stomach and side of this but if i just could be able to walk over to the kitchen or something then I could get some food. I satt my feet's down on the floor, it was cold but i didn't care, I took the plunge and got up, but I was too weak so i just collapsed on, my muscles burned after the attempt, but i couldn't do anything about it other that laying here and hope for Techno to soon come home and help me.

I felt dizzy and soon everything turned black and i lost all other feelings that pain.


I know nothing really happened, I am on a huge writers block now and yeah...i don't know what to write, i know what i want to happened in the three next chapters but don't know how to write it so...sorry for that

And i am going to post to chapters today because the lack of one on Friday, I'm sorry for that but if you didn't know it already we live in a pandemic and things are not going very well right now for me so  didn't have enough time, sorry

But we are on over 600 views, that amazing, thanks to all. I didn't expect so many.

Thank you very much. (:

1416 words.

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