62 || Добросердечный. Benign.

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Hitched breaths are audible through my speaker, but my face is blank from any reaction. The green eyes of my older brother have the same colour as the painted drops of poison on the desk in my front. His red, tousled hair falls wildly around his skull, his sharp jaw hidden by a beard.

Surprisingly, not only his facial hair got changes, but his voice, too; at least an octave lower. Also, he has to have trained a lot more than he usually does. His shoulders are broader than I remember, even broader than during our days working for dad. »That is if you don't count the exceptions, yourself and, what was that guy's name? James?« he asks, sounding like a snake darting its tongue in and out.

He moves slowly, gracefully into my direction, no step making the tiniest sound. I do not care about drowning the floor with my blood when I walk over to the piece of cloth I used for the gun, and bend down. Neither am I surprised to hear the shot of a gun, and being prepared this time, I catch all three bullets right before they hit my body. Better to not let him know yet my suit is bulletproof. Then, with the cloth pressing on my bleeding wound, I stand up again, facing him. »Only cowards pull the trigger behind the back of a person.«

»Good that you're a monster.«

That hurts more than the knife. By far. 

Do not let him see it. Do not let him see your pain. Do not be weak.

All the days we passed together, playing and laughing and teasing each other in every of our backyards. All the hours we passed crying in each other's arms, because, repeatedly, we would need to move and leave all our friends behind. All the minutes he helped me patiently to learn in fights, he argued with that to leave his little sister out of this. All the seconds he promised me to always have my back, always be there for me, never letting me down.

All the time living a lie.

»What do you want?« I suddenly grin again, looking at the three bullets in my hand. »Except for my death, that is.« Tossing them carelessly behind my back, I meet his eyes again. 

»What would it matter to tell you? You won't leave that room alive.«

In the back of my mind, I can hear James's heavy breathes. It is not enough to get me out of my calm. »You're right. What does it matter, then?« I smirk a little, joining him in his circle. Like predators, we never leave each other's eyes. 

»You're bugged, Lilith. I'm not that stupid.« he says, taking step for step.

Just before it would have been obvious, I can stop the flicker from indicating the break him calling me that caused in my heart. By now I am sure there will be nothing left of it when I walk out of that door. »Stupid enough to build a fortress the same way you do Lego.«

He pulls in air sharply between his teeth, admitting his fault. »Won't happen again. Who would have thought you've always been a sneaky little bitch?« Preparing, he pulls out another dagger from his black belt, which is like an eyecatcher on his entirely grey leather suit. Only on his chest, there is a red symbol, equally to the one on the table. »How many of your friends are in here?«

»Contrary question: Why did you join Hydra?« I snap back just after he finished his question.

He laughs quietly to himself. »Calling me stupid, mhm.« When he stops, I immediately imitate the action. »Perhaps, I should give you some answers at least. You know, one should respect the last wishes of the dead, a thing of honour and such.«

Ignoring his hints, I observe every tiny movement of his, even seeing the millimetre he corrects his right foot to steady himself. »You've always been their favourite, did you know that?«

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