52 || Numb

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The streets of Borgo Roma, right behind the train station, are almost as familiar as the ones of New York to me, now. High, worn and dirty buildings are surrounding the holey asphalt roads, and the darkness, preventing from perfect overview, provokes my other senses to focus. For this reason, the strong smell of weep, alcohol and urine creeps up my nose with its disgusting tentacles.

I feel light in the new suit, and agile, manoeuvrable. There is no wall I could not climb up, no shadow too light I could not hide into, and no street too quiet for me to be loud. The Shuriken move with me, floating with my body like made for it, like birth giving as a limb of mine, giving in as if flexible and never cutting into my flesh. The mask sits perfectly even after high jumps and rolls through broken windows, and I am neither cold nor too warm.

It is simply perfect.

Knowing Steve is on my heels in a secure distance, I give my best not to mind and just let him do. Tunrs out that man really does not know when to stop.

The more I think about it, the more I have the feeling of being a major confusion to the people, especially to him. One time, I open up for some strange reason and talk about the guinea pigs I was given, the next time I am sassy and not at all emotional, and then I am even less emotional than before and put the wall around myself, unclimbable. Oh, and not to forget, the moments I use his feelings against him, the usual responses of men to attractive women not even someone like Captain America can withstand. I really got to be a huge pain in the ass. If I was him, I would wish me to get killed somehow. Why does he even try to protect me from everything? Why is he always on my heels and watching me, after me?

Oh, I forgot the consequences of his feelings for a second.

He probably still has a thing for me, although perfectly aware that one of his friends is my boyfriend. Not that I would not have proven it an hour ago.

I really should not think about this right now. I am on a mission, and I need to get it over with before some other amateurs of self-naming superheroes get the idea to follow and observe my every move.

Reaching the warehouse I know my informant works in late nights in the north of Bogo Roma, I hide behind a huge wheelie bin on its left, next to a shopping mall. These idiots really still do not own a fence around the area. Tsk.

I wait a couple minutes, finally turning to face Steve, who is crouching on the entrance for logistic purposes in the shadows, and I wave at him to join me in my hiding spot. A little hesitating at first, he eventually sneaks to me, careful not to be seen.

»Thought you didn't want help.«

»You're here anyways. Can't risk your neck in this, can I?«

He looks me in the eye, left brow moving upwards, as if to say see? I shake my head, face giving no idea of what is going on inside. »Do you really think Tony would let me keep the suit if I brought home nothing but the shield?«

Something in his eyes flickers at the sassy question, like being reminded or a memory evoked, but he says no more.

I see this as an invitation to start giving him orders. »Easy plan to follow: Simply be my shadow. Make no noise, don't say or move or anything, do as I do, and try not to pick up a fight in there. Understood?«

»It's funny again and again that you think you have the command above us.« he answers. Seems like something changed his mind on our way here, something that tells him not to praise me anymore and let me go through with everything. 

»Don't think I can. Just know I got the best plans and you see that, too, so you stick to them.« I wink, not giving him another chance and sneak forward to the wall.

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