19 || Divine

685 33 17

It is perfect timing. The moment Peter ends his statement, his statement that made my heart contract and skip several beats, that very moment the bell of the elevator echoes in its light tone through the corridor from behind him. No room left for any thoughts about the fact Nova had called him this morning.

Every single one of us looks towards the glass doors, that simultaneously open with the metal doors of the elevator. All things happen in slow-motion right now, the entrance revealing the box behind at an agonizing pace, anticipation, tension thickening the air like I was thrown into a rain forest. My eyes stick on there, only the back of my mind noticing Coco pressing her tail in between her behind legs, and running into the opposite direction.

My pulse speeding up, my mind not able to process anything. Could this really be, or am I hallucinating right now? Is this a dream? Have I not woken up this morning?

But no, the moment the doors fully open, her figure hovers through the wide gap, and she walks like a goddess herself right towards us. 

She is even more striking than she had been before, the word beauty turning into an insult, never reaching the amount of perfection that is defined by her. Fingers itching for a pencil, I take her in. In silence. Just like the rest of us.

She wears a black hoodie, black leggings and sneakers, sun glasses. From what I can tell, she is not as slender anymore as she has been back on the photo from three weeks ago. Actually, quite the opposite: her body has the shapes of a violin, of an hour glass, looking as healthy and strong as ever. Her hair seems entirely black now, not only a dark shade of brown. Black as the night it falls around her shoulders and breasts in waves like she just visited a saloon, although I am pretty sure she did not. New are the single light hair in between, not much but not invisible either. They almost seem golden, stars struggling for their place on the night sky of her hair. Not only wanting to draw her so badly it almost physically hurts, my fingers, too, feel the need to stroke through the soft hair of hers and twirl it around my forefinger, caressing it the way it deserves.

Her skin is even smoother-looking than it has been before, and something about her whole appearance speaks of a power so huge I feel the urge to kneel in her front. To praise her like she truly has been sent from heaven, no, rules heaven. Even her lashes seem a little longer, a little blacker, and I swear, there are hair in gold in between both her lashes and eyebrows.

Different from before, next to her hair, is the faint glow that comes with her skin. Where it has been pale before, blue veins peeking through now and then, it is coloured differently now. Still pale, but somehow, a golden shimmer comes with it with every single of her movements, the light reflecting not on pearl but on something way more expensive, and not a single vein visible anymore. Like her blood was replaced by something else.

Her lips, too. They seem fuller somehow, somewhat more colourful, more red. Not just the touch of it, but the true colour of a rose almost resembled. Including the softness of its blossoms, I keep myself from reaching out and devour her with my own lips.

I guess no matter who gets to kiss her, it would be out of his league, and therefore, and insult to her. She is like a stature, like a painting, the good Queen walking straight out of a fairytale. No one to conquer her because she rules herself and she rules like she was born to do it. No one to try to take her under or marry her for the power knowing they would not come far. She is the definition of an enthralling, radiant, exquisite gorgeousness.

Moving as elegant as a woman could possibly be, ruling the world. Owning it. Bending it to her will without even trying.

Nova stops right in our front, and when she does, it is the first time I can hear Buck's breath again, hitching. 

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