15 || Pictures On The Wall

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»What do you say?« I ask James, stepping out of my bathroom at half past six. He is fully awake, not the least sleepy, and leans back in the bar stool, checking me out from head to toe.

I planned this outfit for weeks and bought it in different variants multiple times. For today, I chose the buttoned blouse in white, the first two buttons open, revealing James's star necklace. It is tight around my chest, and finely stuck in the grey pencil skirt, which is tight to my mid-thigh and draws along my waist. James raises his hand and spins his forefinger in a circle, making me move three hundred and sixty degrees, slowly. I am wearing matt black high heels, fitting the black handbag. A silver, usual watch I once bought in Zara sparkles on my wrist and reflects dancing dots on the wall. My brown, straighten hair is in a ponytail, for which I offered an extra ten minutes this morning. Who would have thought a ponytail without bumps would take this long? My glasses sit on my nose, my now black lashes brushing it every time I blink.

James's whistle tells me my butt, at least, pleases him in the skirt.

»Stark better don't steal my girl.« he says grinning, and for once, my nerves cannot take his attitude.

I turn on my heel, glancing into the bathroom mirror from my corridor. »Are you sure? Is it too much? Is it too less?« I cannot risk anything.

  He appears behind me, glance fixed on my handwork on the ponytail. Gently lifting his hands, he pushes mine aside and – knowing I am a full grown perfectionist – moving the plait in the exact middle. His eyes then lock with mine in the mirror shortly, and if my nerves were not overwhelmed enough by now, I almost lose the last. Who would have thought that, after being together for longer than a month, the tingle and prickle and desire becomes not less but more? I inhale deeply, not because of the nervouseness for the job.

He spins me around, pulling me onto his body. Cerulean eyes locking with fawn ones, now real. »I mean it. There is no more beautiful woman I know. You look perfect, Liebling

I blink in surprise, still not able to lose contact to his glare. My mouth opens to say something, but closes speechless. He grins, knowing he hit me off guard – again. Did he really use a German nickname for me?

»You speak German?« I ask, as soon as my vocal cords decide to function again.

He shakes his head, meanwhile bending down. I can feel the warmth of his body radiating, the hard stomach muscles through his shirt and my blouse. »Just a few words. Thought I surprise you.«

Automatically, my hands find their – to now – favourite place and rest in his neck, pulling him further. »Mh, you almost impressed me.«

»Almost?« His eyebrow goes up quizzically, mock written in his smirk.


»You really think I wouldn't know what I do to you? That little hitch of breath when I called you that? Leaving you speechless? Making you want to jump onto me?« James's voice is nothing more than a whisper, sending goosebumps all over my skin in waves.

»Oh, someone's confident.« Surprisingly, my voice is steady, but my cheeks are as red as Santa Claus's mantel.

»How could I not be with someone admiring me the way you do?« His smirk gets even more mocking, if that is the possibility. And somehow, it turns me on. Drives me crazy. Makes me go nuts for him. Damn, I never can let him lose this cocky grin.

And my face now is heated all over. »You're such an idiot.«

»You know I love to make you blush. I just can't resist at times.«

And before another sassy comment can leave my lips, his find mine in a second. One should think I was used to this, but I am amazed, dazzled, every time anew. My eyes closed short before the contact, and my lips feel electricity spreading through them to my blood, my veins, my bones. Forcing him closer, the vibration of a surprised noise out of his throat echo on my lips, and soon enough, tongues are showing off a dance for domination. I am already an addict to this feeling, and every time, it gets worse.

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