19 || Boyfriend

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I really should have thought about what I was doing at which time yesterday. Fortunately, I did not wake James up when I stood up this morning and passed literally all the time in my bathroom. Hard enough to walk, going to the toilet was even more hurtful and I felt like losing it all when I saw my neck, my collarbone and my inner thighs carpeted with hickeys of all kind; huge and dark purple to a nearly invisible red spot. So, to avoid losing my professional appearance and continuing to be taken seriously, I passed all time, efforts and make-up I had to cover up what was to be saved. 

Admittedly, I could not blame James for anything, because I had not left him uncovered neither. Warmth spread through me when I showered while images of last night flamed up in my head; his naked body was like art, the beauty of it not to put into words. Poets would cry for his jawline; Aphrodite would kneel for his physics. And he is mine.

I trust him enough to let him alone in my flat; and eventhough I got no time for myself, my manners forbid me to leave him without breakfast. So, as fast as I could, I put two rolls in the oven and made him a fruit salad while they baked. Then I was gone, hoping I got time for breakfast in the first break during work. I desperately hoped for a supermarket close to the Tower, my stomach rumoring during the entire drive. To be more exact, sex had exhausted me to a point where I would eat a dry piece of bread, laying around for a week already.

Now, sitting in the back of the room to watch Steve, Mister Stark, Miss Romanoff, Wanda and Sam during their work, my belly threatens to eat itself. Even the usually tight pencil rock starts to fold above my hipbones.

I cannot stand it not to get breakfast. It is only a matter of time that I get all grumpy, and I wish I had brought a dry roll with me and ate it during the journey. But my head was spinning on James's abs instead, leaving me without common sense. Wow. Good job, Nova. You are literally starving for that man.

»We could ask Bucky to come.« Steve suggests, leaning back on his chair and fixing the electric screen, showing the live videos of surveillance cameras of a building in Cuba.

»I told you, Bucky is in vacation for a couple months. He won't join us.« Mister Stark sounds irritated, like questioned on an unpleasant manner.

»You never gave any of us vacation. The evil doesn't give us vacation.« Sam announced, fully agreeing with Steve.

»Well, maybe I needed vacation from grumpy cat instead and sent him away.« Steve rolls his eyes, but no one dares to disagree with Tony another time, and they try to solve the problem otherwise. If only they would see the chance they would have going from the empty train tunnels below Havana-

»Is that a hickey? Where do you think we're going, a whorehouse?« Misses Scott hisses from beside me, for no one but me to hear.

Instinctively, my hand moves to the place James has marked; or rather, the place that was hard enough to cover up. Usually, it is not visible, but with the right angle of the light, one still sees the violet shimmer. »I tried my best. Respectfully, I'd suggest your attention on our task and less on my personal life.«

She looks at me in shock, but no respond is hearable. Her glance finds the people in our front again. I cannot help it and I do not blame myself for being prissy; I am hungry.

The first break is late, half past eleven, and I start to feel giddy in cause of it. My blood sugar is down, and I watch the clock in anguish before one finally releases us. I got half an hour to find something to eat; it is doable, is it not?

Grabbing my handbag, I almost run for the door – and bump right into Steve. I shake my head in short, quick motion and look up to the Super Soldier in front of me. His chest is as hard as another chest I well know, and I barely cannot keep myself from remembering last night. »You have to tell me there is some place anywhere near here to get some food.« I blur out desperately, without any filter of my emotions or sentiments. I really need to eat. This is worse than the urge to go to the toilet. I am going nuts.

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