34 || Promise

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»So, that this finally is cleared up« Tony starts, ripping all the attention I had for James towards him in alarm, »I need to apologize for rough methods. I was not aware of this plan.«

»I don't see why it is you seeking for forgiveness, then.« I answer, my tone sharp as the shards I start pulling out of my palm. In doing so, I fix my eyes on Natasha. Hopefully, she can taste my hatred.

»I won't apologize for doing what had to be done.« is her only response.

»I should have gone for your neck instead.«

»Ladies, enough.« Steve interrupts. His movements are hectic when he comes closer to the broken mirror, as if barely able to hold himself back from something.

»How did you do it, Lilith? How have you been able to delete all the files?« Tony asks, and I roll my eyes, continuing with the other hand. James, in the meantime, rips the ropes with only one, strong movement of his arms. Gaze everywhere but at me.

»First of all, I don't go on that name anymore. Second, why would I tell you?«

»Seems like you went pretty well on that name.« Natasha spits, nodding a thanks to Steve for handing her an ice pack. I ignore her, but still want to see my fist on that broken nose once more, pushing up the shattered bones into her brain.

»Because you're part of the team, and teammates help each other, especially when there's a lack of security.« Tony answers almost annoyed, as if I was stupid not to see things as clear.

I cannot stop myself from laughing about his ridiculousness. »I'm certainly no part of no team. I'm almost gone.«

My glance firstly shoots up when Peter clears his throat. »I mean, we would do good with you on our team. It isn't exactly simple to break Natasha's nose.«

I do not answer him, and head straight for the first-aid box on the wall. Quickly, I have pulled out everything I need to carry for James's temple, and start with it immediately. He does not flinch away, but he does not smile at me, either, or touch me in any way.

It hurts. It hurts badly.

»Consider it.« Tony starts again, and nausea threatens to crawl up if I have to listen to his voice any longer. »You could live with us, in the tower, and would not have to fear any attacks from any mafia bosses or something. We could pay for your studies, a new car, anything you like. And in return, you work with us.«

»Play a part in your cat-and-mouse game?« I raise an eyebrow, voice almost as annoyed as Tony's has been seconds ago, disinfecting James's wound properly. He does not even wince.

»Urgh, they really fit.« Natasha rolls her eyes, looking from James to me and back, and stalks out of the room.

I feel a little better not to have to look at her again.

»Your crew seems pretty complete to me, Stark. I don't know if I would be of much use, and especially,« I send a side glance at Steve, »if I was welcome.« It is a lie I would care about it, but I need arguments. I sigh, looking from James to Tony. »I will leave. You won't ever hear of me again. Just leave James in peace and don't ever touch him again, or I swear to God I personally will rip off your limps and afterwards, stab you while you're alive until you bleed to death. Seems like a pretty good deal to me, so don't be stupid.«

»You're wrong.« He nods towards Steve, who understands the intention and leaves with Peter. Left are only Tony, James and I. The former climbs slowly, careful not to ruin his clothes, too, into the small room and leans on a table underneath on the wall where the first-aid-box hung berforehand. »We don't have someone like you. Someone that can profile and analyse our enemies. Yes, we have several assassins, but none with Shuriken. None with what you have in your genes.«

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