57 || Damage

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Hands folded in front of my chest, I stare at Steve in disbelief. »You gave them half an hour? What did they do to earn that? Departure in five minutes, if you forgot. We told them yesterday when the jet starts, so it is their fault and not anyone else's.«

His blue eyes are everywhere but at mine, avoiding the piercing element. »Come on. Don't be like that, Nat.«

»Don't Nat me.« I spit, stepping forward and stopping right in his front. The super soldier does not care to make eye contact still. »And be like what?«

»Like that. Everyone knows.« he mouths quietly, crossing his arms in front of his chest, too.

»Oh, great. Thank you for being so clear.« Of course, I know what he means. Everyone does. This bitch of Nova does, too.

»Do you really want me to say it?«

I shrug, letting both my arms drop next to my body and sink into a nearby chair. We already are in the jet, Tony is still somewhere to catch up something with Sam, and Bucky and Nova are probably sticking their tongues into each other's throat again. What a luck it was Peter's room next to theirs last night.

»I thought you'd learn to live with it. They are together for more than four months.« he argues, but it is pointless.

»Did you?« I ask back, raising an eyebrow.

He sighs in defeat, shoulders hanging. His left arm is back next to his body, the right one in his face, fingers massaging the neck of his nose just between the eyes. »At least I am trying.«

»Yeah, I can see that clearly.« I say, indicating with a tilt of my head to the still-sparkling hole he just punched into the jet the moment he set foot in here. I still wonder how he did not manage to punch through the metallic wall, or get electroluted. »Tony's going to kill you.«

Steve drops himself into the chair on my opposite, leaning his head back in his neck. His eyes are closed, wrinkles on his forehead as if suffering physical, not mental pain. »This is wrong in so many ways, Nat. I just don't know what to do.«

»You could start with being mad at her for going behind your back twice.«

»Your jealousy doesn't really help, you know? What's it with Banner anyways? I thought you guys were...« Still the shy guy of the forties somewhere, Steve simply holds up his hand, crossing his index and middle finger.

I roll my eyes at that. »I could ask the same about you and Peggy.«

»This is something entirely different.«

»Is it?« Glad to have a fridge so close, I open the one to my right and pull out the first alcoholic thing I can grab; Brandy. Whatever, I am not able to continue this conversation sober.

»It is. Peggy... You know I would do anything for her, or would have done.« The liquid burns its way down my throat, and I could not care less that it is only ten in the morning. »But she's gone, and somehow Nova managed to make me move on, see there is more than grey in this world.«

»If you don't stop being so cheesy, I'm going to throw up right on that white shirt of yours.« I threat, and he shakes his head in disbelief.

»Honestly, what is it with you and Banner?«

Shrugging, I take another sip right from the bottle, the alcohol from the previous time still warming my stomach. »He told me six months ago he wants some space. Didn't come back after. Started reducing feelings four months ago.«

»And the ones for Bucky grew.« It is not a question, it is a statement of his. And I am way too tired of the whole topic to defeat and push it back anymore. »So, you know what it feels like.«

Secretive - Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now