51 || Superior Human

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Not taking the apartment's door so no one could see me, I quietly open and close the one from my balcony, locking it from outside – whyever this is possible. It is not as far as I expected, but nonetheless too much a risk to jump from the third floor. Below me, light falls onto the stone bottom from inside and there is no hook on the wall above me, so it is not like I can play Tarzan coming down to the ground. I stand up from the crouching position, as less movements as possible, and scrutinize my environment. Though people probably would think of my costume being some weird extra in a roleplay, I do not like to be seen in this by the wrong person and reveal my accommodation. 

I lick my lips, a plan forming in my mind. Sooner than I can think about it twice, I jump onto the black, metallic security fencing, from there push me upwards immediately and clasping the part the ceiling stands over. In the next second, I land on both my feet on the roof of the hotel. It is made of gravel, and crunches underneath my weight. 

Probably, I would have enjoyed the view and the silence for a few more seconds, closing my eyes, inhaling the fresh night air gently stroking my cheek in a breeze, maybe even star-gazing because the night became a very clear one during the flight. Then get a glance over the city, the lights like a swarm of fireflies in between a forest of stone, wood and walls.

Stupidly, the sense of a presence cuts through these few seconds of halt.

In a swift motion I turn, fist highly swinging through the air, but as I expected, gets caught. Without a second glance somewhere but behind the tall man, I focus on the distance to the roof for less than a second, then turn my wrist and grabbing the one of the stranger. I pull hard, jump over his arched back and pull again, dislocating the upper arm and in the meantime, bringing the man down on his knees, head connecting with the rooftop's end, eyes just farther than it so the upper half of his skull is freely laying above the ground in front of the three-floors-high building. His body is trapped underneath mine, my legs left and right from his hips, arm in an awkward angle across his back below me.

It is then that I realize why there has not been any try of defeat.

»Damn it, Steve. I thought we'd be further than you trying to scare me.« I growl, getting down from the super soldier. I shake my head and help him to stand.

»I knew you'd be planning to do something tonight. Just didn't think it'd take you so long.« he mumbles, stands straight and with one loud crack, resets his shoulder in an instant. Neither him nor I flinch.

When I do not answer to this but fold my arms in front of my chest, he tries digging deeper. »What took you so long? I don't know you like that.«

»Why do you even mind?« I fix on his light blue eyes, a clear contrast to the darkness around us. His pupils are widened a little, like the night was trying to consume him from inside out, little by little.

»I'm worried. Like I said, doesn't seem to suit you to be so late. Especially for a German. Almost came in to look if you were alright.«

I roll my eyes at his overprotectiveness for the first time ever. I know he had a crush on me, but I thought he would be over it for long by now, especially since James, aka my boyfriend, is friends with him. »Would've caught me masturbating.« I say just as coolly as I intended, my inner self laughing its arse off for the deep flush that paths Steve's cheeks, but nothing of it portrays on my shell.

»Don't look at me like this was some unknown area for you, Captain.« I add, raising my index finger as if warning him. 

I barely can hold it when I see his cheeks getting even darker. 

Deciding to leave it and change the subject, it feels like he lost the ability to speak temporarily. »Get back into your bedroom and sleep, you deserve it.«

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