68 || Flying

945 42 26

The kitchen light is turned off, and as expected, no one is in there, everyone asleep. I slip quietly along the corridor and into the open room, switching the light control.

Blinking, I try to let my eyes adjust, before walking to the fridge and grabbing a bottle of water. As soon as it is out, the warmth of the room mists the outside of it up, making my fingers wet. Shivers run down my spine, and I am suddenly aware of how cold it became.

March may have warm days, but therefore, icy nights.

Closing the fridge, I lean back on the counter while pouring it into a glass. 

I need to focus on the mission again. Concentrate on something, bring me back to current events. Yes, I know, Jonas has been dead for a day now, but I refuse to give myself more time to mourn. I refuse to seem weak in front of them, in front of myself any longer.

So, where could Chloe go? Where could she hide? She definitely will not be in Mexico anymore, not after we infiltrated their accommodation, got out tons of information that sadly take more than hours to be read.

Italy cannot be, and I do not think she will be close to any larger city, neither. Other than that, she could be anywhere. Literally. The long fields in Texas, Californian beaches, a casino in Vegas. She could be in a jungle in Africa or Australia, although that would be very unpractical. 

Staring into the glass in my front, now only half full, I try to completely fix on a mission I had a long time ago. Her father had spots for workers and hiding everywhere; mostly in Italy, France and Romania. But we could not blindly search all the countries. 

»Deep in thoughts, I guess?«

I shrug, glance shooting upwards, glass turning from a device for drinking into a weapon in my right hand, ready to be thrown. Just as I am about to hit the person with it harshly, I see it is Steve, and drop my right hand again. The glass is placed on the counter now, which is spilled entirely with water. Sighing, I get a mob and start cleaning up. »You really need to stop scaring me.«

He chuckles, and when I face him again, I can see dimples playing around his mouth. He has slightly blue rings underneath his eyes, indicating him having got no more sleep than I did. He leans on the counter to my opposite, pink sweater above black boxershorts, hair a blond mess. Then, he bites his lower lip, as if biting back the urge to say something about my clumsiness.

»Since when does Captain America wear pink?« I ask instead, after getting no answer in a minute. I do not want this to get awkward. I got no nerves at two in the morning.

»What? Don't I look good in it?« he counters, acting sceptical with a glance down his body.

»Won't get that one out of me, Rogers. Only man in my life I'm complimenting for looks is Barnes. Except for, perhaps, Shawn Mendes and Henry Cavill, and all the fictional men, that is.«

»I think there are a lot of stories about me, too. Tony always mocks me with some... some creative works of fans on an app.«

Shaking my head, I laugh a little. He is not serious, just trying to loosen the atmosphere as I did. »You mean Wattpad?«

He nods. "»You know it?«

Blushing, I get to the fridge to get myself some new water, and hide the colourful cheeks with having my back turned to him. »You could say that. Haven't been on it for a while, though. Way too busy.«

A short break follows, in which I repeat the previous procedure, and soon have cold water running down my trachea again, cooling me from inside. Shivers run down my spine one more time and again, I feel the urge to sneak into my bed and fight the ice back with a blanket wrapped around me.

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