27 || Home

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One my way home, the idea of bugging does not seem so unpractical anymore. Ultimately, Tony probably does not expect to be over listened, and if I bring it off, nobody will notice. There is just the thing of secrecy I need to keep, security, so no one but me gets to know their classified information. I want to do this for my own sake, but that does not mean I want them to be in trouble.

It does not feel right, no matter which angle I look onto it. Not that I have not done this before, but there is no real reason to ignore their privacy. In the end, I would not be listening to only Tony, but to Natasha, Sam and Wanda, as well as Peter, and Steve, too. I do not want to end friendship right there.

On the other hand, I cannot download everything Tony has saved on his computer. It would leave traces, and more than that, I may once have been good with hacking, but we are talking about the world's greatest engineer.

But what if I could make himself open the files? What if I could search his program without proves of my visit? Sure, it would be in protocol anyways, but considered his jobs, he will not search it through if there is no urgent reason, will he? During the last one and a half months, he never has, and I barely left his side.

That is it. I know how to pull it off.

Parking my car in its lot, I send a coded text message to an old contact with everything I would need. How good I earned favours from important people and experts before I moved across the ocean.

My display pops up, and an unknown number tells me it is going to be delivered tomorrow evening. An exhale in relief paths my lips, and I slip my phone back into my pocket. I still do not have the nerve to read what my friends answered in the group chat.

Suddenly, the door next to me is opened. A second after, leaving me without the ability of reaction, James bends his head into the car. Another sigh of relief escapes me, this time about not being robbed. »I thought, before you try to stab me again, I would come and pick you up down here.« His smile is charmingly, and I am in his spell before my mouth can say a word. The notes of his vocal cords seduce me, lure me in, break every wall inside me with a snap. My heart starts racing. As always.

»Not so weary of life anymore, I see.« I grin back, giving him a short peck on his full lips. The three days' growth of beard is back again, and I cannot help but run my fingers over it. »Honestly, leave it like that. It looks good.«

He blushes slightly, leaning into my touch and closing his eyes shortly, enjoying it to the fullest. Heat spreads through my chest and the spots of skin that touch him at how openly he adores me.

No. I would not leave him.

»You think?« he mumbled. »Don't I look old?«

While I step out of the car when he leaves me enough room, he walks around it and picks my handbag for me. Gentlemanly as always. I love it.

Locking the car, I present him a smile of appreciation for it, and walk over to him. »You look handsome.« I continue, not being able to stop myself from complemting him. I learned fast that he really does not know how good he is looking, and that I have to change that, or at least try to, as hard as I can.

When his blush intensifies, I cannot help but tease him a little more.  »Already thought it was intended to grow my daddy issues.«

At that, he chuckles, hand ruffling my open hair and making it a mess. »You're unbelievable.«

»And you just ruined my beautiful hairdo.«

»I would have sooner or later today anyways.«

Just shaking my head and smiling as a response, I open the door of my flat when we arrive. Immediately, I smell fried chicken and, with my eyes growing big, the scent of my favourite salad. He had made it first when I was studying hard for the exams, and since then, I almost always beg him to do it whenever he decides to cook. It is made of tomatoes, mozzarella, parsley, salad, cucumber, and whatever spices he does into it. It tastes heavenly, and I more than once got on my knees to convince him to do it again.

Secretive - Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now