11 || Surprise

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I gasp, my hand covering my mouth within seconds. My ears very probably have some kind of malfunction. Yesterday I hear James announcing he liked the nickname, now I hear that I am accepted by Tony Stark himself. The Avengers? Me? With Misses Scott? »I, uh, I'm-«

»It's unbelievable, I know. You'll start Monday after your last exam in January.«

»But- like, how is that possible?« I hope he does not think I was not grateful. This is a huge chance, and if I do a good job, this could lead to a great deal of job offers in a couple of years. Nonetheless, there is some kind of bad tingling in my stomach. Something warning me, something I did not feel for a long time. How could this be coincidental?

The thing is, I really do not get it. I am only studying a couple months now. Yes, my exams have been great, and I am interested in the subject like I was in the beginning, but there are people that are farther, or at least interested in what the Avengers do. People that would not have to get a mountain of information before entering their tower. People that would not need to fear Tony Stark hiding more than he is letting on my giving me this chance.

»We gave in twenty applications of our best students, and they chose you. Of course, you can cancel, but this would not look good at all, with the image of the university, that is.«

»Oh, no, don't worry, I'm glad to hear. It's just, uh, big news.« I quickly respond, tongue thick with the lie. And there are other people who probably would have been happier about it, for example Sam. I feel like stealing some huge job offer from her, and not even wanting it personally makes it even worse.

»Yes, you're right with that. Misses Scott wishes to meet you before the internship starts on Friday the 12th, after your exam, to get you ready with your tasks and what is important for your report. She will contact you on that behalf in the new year. Have a nice day and please, be well-prepared. We cannot risk a mistake in this, but I trust you to do it quite perfectly.« And with that, I no longer hear his voice, but Coco's barks.

Mum seems to get I am back a moment later, because I indistinctly hear her voice on the other end of the line.

It takes a couple seconds for me to get her clear again. An internship. With the Avengers. What do I wear? What is it going to be like? I do not have to come with them on missions, do I? My breathe goes faster. Luckily Misses Scott will be by my side, so there hopefully will not be coming something out of place. Something wrong. Otherwise, I probably would get myself into a lot of trouble with this. I need to keep my calm. I thought I would be way better in handling information that could turn my life into disaster in a second, I mean, it is not the first time such big news were thrown against my head, destiny laughing with popcorn in its fangs from above.

Where do I get reliable, objective information?  The internet must be full of subjective opinions, nothing useful. When Carly visited Washington once, she spoke of a museum of one of them, but I cannot fly to Washington to get this information, can I? No, there is no time for this. »...Nova, breathe, calm down. What is it?« My mother sounds alarmed, and every noise in the background is silenced.

»I, uh, somehow got an internship.«
Inhaling, exhaling. Inhaling, exhaling.

»Yes? That's great! Congratulations. What do you stress about?«

»Do you remember when years ago, there was a brand that sold weapons all over the world but suddenly, its boss got a little mad about it and decided to roll up the entire thing and the drama that came afterwards?« I do not dare to use the common word for them. It will be just fine. Mum probably does not even be aware of them as international celebrities, at least, some kind of. She would not get it if I talked about the Avengers, probably. She did not catch up of our world's so called 'heroes'.

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