4 || Brown Flower

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The next month passes fast. I got a lot of things to learn for university, going out with my friends and getting the Christmas decorations out. And, of course, dating James. We visited a lot of places in New York, from Madame Tussauds to the Statue of Liberty to museums, we even went for a jog in Central Park once and damn, that man got a hell of a condition. We met at least twice in a week, and I felt more and more comfortable around him. He never lets down his gentlemanly behaviour, always opening doors for me, hanging my jacket, sometimes even carrying my handbag for me. We explain things we know of history to each other, of the USA's and our own, and I quickly learned the value he sees in his best friend, Steve. He works with him in this social job, and whenever he tells me about what he had done lately, his eyes sparkle with the thoughts of having saved people from evil organisations. I also learned that the non-alcohol-thing is for him sometimes having emergency shifts, and I can believe that he is rather sober in doing something so important.

Nevertheless, there are some strange things about him. He still has not get rid of his gloves at any time, and when we walk streets along New York's shops, he tends to make me look up at him whenever there is a TV screen visible. Not that I would be watching that much anyways, but after three times of him involving me into a conversation, he gets suspicious. Furthermore, we have not yet been in his apartment, and he did not tell me where he lives. It would not be that awkward if it were not for us having two dates in my flat already, him every time admiring my book-wall in my living room.

»Just tell me you finally kissed, and tell me he is the God in bed he looks like, so I can sleep peacefully.« Sam nips on her Latte Macchiato, while I warm my hands on the Brown Flower. Since I showed her a picture of James, she would not let this topic go. All of a sudden, my grandpa seems more interesting.

»We didn't. Give us some time.«

»Urgh, how much? You gonna be eighty when he first takes your hand in public.«

She is not even that wrong. I cannot deny thinking of James's lips, of his perfectly shaped body, or the strong hold he had when he tried to catch me in my flat for stealing his phone. We landed laughing on the couch, him tickling me until I could not breathe and was forced to hand him back the electronic device befote I was able to get a glance of his best friend and tease him with it.

The need to be able to show James how much I appreciate him, his being, his appearance, his everything is becoming more and more urgent. But I will do a damn and be the one to take the first step. Or, in this case, the second.

»Maybe it's happening tonight. He invited me to his flat, for the first time. I'm pretty excited about how he lives.« I smile dreamily, knowing it may be toxic how much hope I pushed into the datenight today.

Sam nods, choosing another topic to distract me, knowing I could have false intentions. »Do you know where you're going to do the scholarship yet? I already applied for four different places.«

»No, not yet. I gave in my application to the director's office and let him decide.« I grin, perfectly aware of my advantages.

»You study-abroad-guys suck.« but she grins as well, taking another swallow of the steaming drink in her front. »I heard Mister Stark offered a place. Examining the group function of the Avengers for the state is a pretty big thing.«

»We'd only walk past the authority like puppies. We don't exactly have that responsibility. Besides, I wonder why he'd allow something like it.« And definitely would not see me next to superheroes, anyways.

»Good impression to society, perhaps? Showing he gives the small people a chance as well? Who knows? But wouldn't it be great, almost living with a group of heroes for three months?« Sam's eyes start to shine with her thoughts, but the flame does not flick over to me.

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