30 || Strange Mixture || 🔪

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»Why are we walking through the forest in February in British Columbia?« I bark, the freezing cold making goosebumps raise all over my body. I can take a lot, but even I feel the cool when it is about minus ten degrees.

»Don't be such a girl, you're a super soldier.« Steve responds, his blond hair glimmering in the moonlight when one of its rays come through the thick crowns of trees.

»Oh, shut up. We both know you got the premium serum, while I got some strange mixture from Zola. I'm still worried about growing a sixth toe, or a second tongue or something alike.« In thought, I glance down my body. I wish I knew what exactly it is that I got injected so many years ago.

The respond to this is a simple chuckle. »Believe it or not, it has been Nova to figure it out.«

My breathe hitches as my ears take in her name, and I stop for a second, eyes travelling over Steve's broad back in disbelief. »Nova?«

I mean, she is extraordinary in every way. It is not that I wonder she was able to find something out before they were.

He gets that I am standing, his head turning to be able to look over his shoulder at me and gesturing me to walk further. With a roll of my eyes, I follow his silent order. »Yes, Nova.«

»Why would you include her in this world? I told you to keep an eye on her!«

»I do, honestly. It isn't my fault. She simply did it on her own, probably got the idea and wanted to tell us before worse things happen.«

»Wait, who's Nova?« Bruce's voice suddenly appears in my ear via some technological little thing Tony invented years ago for communication between great distances. I still worry it may sink down too far in my skull during a fight, although he assured me that would not be a possibility.

»Nova is the trainee he invited with Misses Scott and-« I start, but am interrupted by Natasha.

»And is his girlfriend that does not know a bloody thing about him being an assassin.«

Red creeps up my cheeks, but luckily, no one can see it. Steve is polite enough not to turn around, and although Nat's tone does not exactly invite happy thoughts, memories of Nova, her beautiful body in my arms, snuggled against my chest below a blanket, cause me to smile. These caramel brown eyes melt me with only an image in my head.

»Bucky has a girlfriend?!« Banner's voice sounds more than surprised.

»Thanks for that, Romanoff.« I growl. Maybe it is better they know, so I have to break less noses if someone tries to come near her.

»They'd get it eventually.«

»I feel like you have a problem with her, Nat.« Steve interrupts, directing the topic somewhere else.

There is a moment in which only the cracking branches below Steve's and my feet are audible. »I think I saw her somewhere a few years ago, I can just not figure out if my mind is telling the truth. The only thing I know is that something tells me to be cautious around her. Honestly, Barnes, I don't have a good feeling about her.«

»Well, that doesn't sound like any of my problems.« I respond, irritated. How dare she? Nova is the most innocent and pure being on this planet, her heart entirely good. Romanoff surely is just jealous of Nova figuring something out before she herself had the chance.

»Tony is awfully quiet, does someone else also notice?« Bruce asks, and now that he says it, I realize, too.

»That is because he knew before getting her to work in the Tower to annoy me.« I should not be mad at him anymore; I broke his nose in December for it. I told him when I first asked for a favour to keep her out of this world, and he did the exact opposite. It is his fault, not mine, no matter if I am still angry with him or not.

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