43 || Cuffed

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Annoyed by the fact of being interrupted in general, angry about the fact of being interrupted in such a second, I pull out the bullet from my body, golden liquor pouring onto the white carpet floor. One side glance is enough to assure me that firstly, James is fine and nothing has happened to him – calming down my biggest fear -, and secondly, that he will stay down. Not because he could not fight, but because I know he is not interested in the least in letting whoever know how vulnerable he just has been. Eyes still puffed from crying, cheeks with a red edge, I know he is definitely not in the mood to let anyone but me see what is going on inside him.

The injury on my body closes itself in a few seconds while I walk towards the broken window. Cold air blows into the dark room, one of the shots having hit the small, crystally decorated lamp on my night stand. A very bright, white light falls upon my body the second a middle-pitched but stern man's voice is increased by a megaphone. »Lilith Callan, you are hereby arrested by the German Government for the murder of Michael and Melisa Callan, and suspected to have murdered Jonas Callan. Do not, I repeat, do not try to run; the house is surrounded and currently, a dozen agents are on their way to you with the order to shoot you by the slightest resistance.«

As if on cue, the door is slammed, light crashing through the night onto my wardrobe, my TV, me, my bed, everywhere. Like there were not men with two eyes, but a dozen, and every centimetre of the room is observed. Then, several men with their guns pointed directly on my body, creating more than a handful red dots on my jogging pants and especially on the black top that I wear. James stands in the next second directly behind me, all I see in the dark that every emotion written on his body is entirely erased. 

When we walk with the armoured men – willingly; I could kill them all at once if I really needed to (probably) -, everything he says to me is a low whistle in my ear »It's not like I didn't tell you it was a bad idea to go out.«

James is gone the second he secured the area, and saw no real threads for me. I do not know where he went, but I am sure he had a reason, and it cannot be all too far from the living room when six men follow him suit.

Meanwhile I, already in my night clothes, am sitting on the table with my hands cuffed, listening to the formal speech of the man in charge. He is middle-aged, sporty looking, white, styled hair on his oval head. Being the only one wearing a suit, I still do not doubt the weapons hidden underneath the jacket. »You are taken to the crime section of the BKA now for further procedure. If you show any sign of stepping out of line, we are allowed to shoot. Please, step out of line and we finish this business.«

I cannot even think about the words he says, or remind them a second later. I am still in a daze, still in a mood of non-ability of cognitive functions. Images after images flow through my mind about the story James told me tonight, the story of his life. His former life. 

It takes every ounce of willpower inside me not to burn down the entire building out of anger.

»Take her.« I hear faintly, then a jolt on my arms, heaving me up from the seats.

»Nova« I register next, the only thing halfway-clear cutting through the bubble around me. Slowly, I turn, just to see James fighting himself through the crew of men still pointing their weapons at me.

With him is a small, silvery suitcase, filled to the edge and seemingly threatening to explode every second. No one dares to go in between us; I would not either. Eyeing two of the most deadly people on this planet, I would keep my safe distance just as well. 

»I got some stuff for you, guess you'll stay a little longer. I even got my own so I can join y-«

For mere a second, I am back in the now, back with the man that lived through so much more than he portrays to the outside, back with the strongest man alive. »You can't.« I interrupt determined. Knowing there are ears all around me, I swallow hard, once, being aware of the fact I am going to put the both of us through hell now.

Secretive - Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now