13 || The Avengers

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I am rather insecure how to react to this. I decide to speak slowly, making sure my puzzlement does not influence my way of talking, so I do not seem awkward to James. »Yes. I don't really know why I have been the chosen one. I didn't even apply specifically for it. It's a huge chance though. If my job there is fine, I probably have good chances on the market after my stud-« There is a loud moan of pain in the background, unmistakable and definitely not from James. »Jamie, are you hitting someone?«

»He fell down the stairs, gravity and these things.« he quickly answers, not showing any sentiment at all towards the situation.

How can he be so carefree? Well, perhaps it is not as bad as it sounded. He has got to know; he is right in front of it. I should not worry as much. Nonetheless, one cannot be sure enough. »Sounded bad, you rather look out for him.«

»Oh, I'm sure everyone gets what he deserves.« There is something in his voice that I cannot define, but it definitely is more than unnerving, edgy.

I hear a man's voice in the background, shouting something about what people are supposed to do, and what they are not.

»Yeah, I can call you later.« I say, obviously disturbing whatever James got himself into. I think we are not in a relationship long enough for me to be allowed to question it.

»I'll probably have no connection to you later, my battery is dying already.«

I sigh. Well, then. Who knows how long he will be gone? »Okay. I wanted to ask you face-to-face, but since you're gone and time's running out; do you manage to get a week free this month?« Nervously, I bite on my lower lip. By now, the butterflies in my stomach seem to have doubled, already knowing how amazing a whole week only with James on my side and the nature is going to be. Thereby, totally suppressing the nervouseness and strangeness that had been prominent seconds before in my mind.

»Rather difficult.« No emotion. No soothing. Still nothing but cold. A shiver runs down my spine, but I ignore the reaction. What am I supposed to do about it, anyways?

However, I feel like he just hit me with a fry pan. »Oh, uh, when can you take a break for a week from work?«

He clears his throat, and I hear a door slam shut behind him. »I don't know. Is it urgent? Is everything alright?«

»Yes, no worries. It's your Christmas present, that is all. I won't tell you what it is, but you gonna need a week. Gonna kidnap you.« My voice, by now, indicates the lack of joy that fills my chest all of a sudden. I tried humour to claw at the last centimetres flying towards me when it rushes off in a strong wind, but excitement is faster gone than I can get ahold on it. Is James not happy about it? Has it been the wrong present?

»When do you have a week free from studying, beside December?«

»April.« A lump forms in my throat, and I swallow it down before it can choke me. I thought I would soon enough be escaping with James from the lunacy that drove through my day today, soon enough let him calm my nerves about the entire internship thing. Now, I have to wait five months?

»Then I'm going to give myself a vacation in April.« I hear him grin, but the last bit of anticipation that was left in my entire body, found the entrance and puffed into the cold air.

I can see my breath white in my front when I start talking again. »Okay, then, April.«

»Fine. Whatever it is, I'm looking forward to it by now. See you soon.« And the next thing I hear is the peeping of my phone, because he hung up. Did he not recognize my joy being gone?

»So, we haven't finished our talk about the Avengers.«

Carly and I sit together on the couch, both cuddled into blankets on the opposite of each other. There was an awkward silence when I entered my apartment, and there still is, so I decided to pick up the last topic. Next to the fact it indeed is important, I already know almost everything from her current life in details, due to our almost-daily calls, and so does she from mine. Meaning, there is no subject I could propose, other than this.

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