18 || Reparations || 🌶

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Doll is new.
I barely heard someone call their partner doll, and if so, I always thought of it as old-fashioned and nothing I would let me be called. It seemed to have something objectifying, something giving vibes of a less appreciation.

Not with James. It fits to him, saying something like that, or at least, when he is in a mood. And he definitely is. I do not know what it was that talk he had about, and I honestly could not care less than in this moment. Obviously, he needed a kick up the arse, and I am thankful for whoever finally chose to do it. The way his tongue rolled upwards when he called me that rare nickname makes me wonder what else this tongue can do. My heart and some other place aches well aware of him knowing how to use it.

His metal arm still embraces my waist, and the other joins as soon as his phone is laid aside. With a jolt, I am pulled against his massive body, his face only inches away from mine, stealing all the air that is left in the free space. The cerulean of his eyes is now coloured shades darker, filled with bursting flames of desire, like someone pushed a button. The dryness of my lips cause me to lick them, and his glance shoots downwards for just how long the movement lasts.

His jaw tenses. »Answer me when I ask you a question.«

My breathe is flattened by the pressure of the adrenaline in my veins. »You told me to stop biting my lip.« I never heard my voice that weak, like knowing I did something essential very wrong and about to get the consequence for it. My rational voice, with its last try of telling me it is about nothing more than lip-biting, is silenced by only the satisfaction in his glance. I cry inside to be everything that satisfies him, just to see this glance and know I am what he expects me to be. I never thought my inner feminist was that determined to leave for any man in this world, but by now, I am fully his.

»Then why would you do it?« He moves forward, no more than a few centimetres separate our lips. I feel his eyes outline my features, feel him scrutinize me, the blue of his iris almost fully gone for black.

It is like he tortures me with being so close but not close enough. »I-I guess it was something between anticipation and nervousness.« My voice cracks, quitting its job almost entirely.

A flicker crosses his eyes and his mouth curls into a devilish grin, eyes travelling to my lips, exactly knowing what he is doing. »Do I make you nervous, Nova?« He bends down further, and I close my eyes in expectation. But no, his plans of sweet suffer continue, him moving his head along my jaw, hair tickling my temples. I sigh quietly in frustration, and his grin is notable due to the movement on my lower cheek. My heart races a marathon, and I barely can hold the flame in my chest when he whispers in my ear, »I'd like you to refer to me as 'Sir', now. Can't believe you didn't touch me yet, doll.«

I think my ears might be broken, again. This is so contrary to all the gentlemanly behaviour I am used to. My abdomen pulls together pleasantly, and my breath hitches just in cause of the electric touch when I slowly move my hands upwards to wrap them around his neck. He rests in position, clearly waiting for my answer. I wonder how I manage to give it. »Yes, sir, you make me nervous.«

A deep growl comes from his throat, and before I know, a quiet moan of mine responds involuntarily, making him grin even more. Again, I feel my lower body part getting ready for his. »What a good girl.«, he says, and the reminder of the last time he called me that gives me shivers. »I feel like letting you know that you«, he whispers, giving me goosebumps all over my body, »will cum often before I even am close.«

My try to look him in the eye is doomed. I cannot even move my head to the side, am frozen, when his sweet and soft lips connect with the skin on my neck, just below my ear. Boys did that before, but none caused my feelings to explode like he does. None was able to make me feel that way. None caused so much desire in the depths of my heart. There is nothing else I can think of, nowhere else I would want to be, nobody I would rather be than myself. I would let nobody else touch me like this anymore. Nobody could even reach the amount of tingles James releases, nobody could make me feel as could with just a simple open-mouthed kiss on my neck. He gives self-love a new meaning; I would change in nobody's footsteps and miss what he does to me.

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