22 || Wolf || 🔪

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»Lilith, you've got only four minutes forty-seven. If you want this to work, you should be fast.«

Chloe's black hair falls onto my chains like corrosive pitch. Her hands work fast, the hair pin in the lock to free my hands from steel. I breathe regularly, like I learned it. No hectic. No panic. No fear.

»How many are there?« My voice is steady, just like my heartbeat. I beg to the one above this is the last time my hands will be covered in red. I do not want to do this anymore.

»Two in front of your door, ten in general on the corridor. Three each further corridor.«

»I'm flattered.« I grin devilishly, perfectly aware that these men should not be able to stop the escape, but are placed there only for me.

»I'm so, so sorry. Honestly. There is no way to make up what Father did to you.« she says, and the lock klicks for the third time.

»You should tell that to the mountain of corpses in the cellar.« It is no speech of metaphor, and I see Chloe swallow hard. She once helped her father trading girls and weapons and drugs, thought it was morally right if there only was the right reason. Her father laid the world in flowered meadows with dozens of butterflies. Then I came, played the best cards I could, and changed her perspective on the world entirely.

»There was no hope for them. No chance.«

»They had the same chance as I had. And look at what you're doing for me, right now.«

Admittedly, I would not know how to get out of here without the boss's daughter liking girls. Or rather, get the boss's daughter to like girls. But I do not want to pass my time with possibilities, outgoings that never would happen.

Chloe presents me her grimmest glance, and with a final turn of her hair pin, the lock jumps from my wrists. It costs me less than thirty seconds to get rid of the ones around my ankles. The rattling is loud, but my cell's walls are well chosen out of stone, and the door is thick enough to hold bullets. I know it; I tried.

»Three and a half minutes left.« Chloe's girly voice – with almost sixteen, there is not a deep woman's note to expect -, states, and I ignore the ripping off crusts due to the harsh movement to remove the chains. Hot liquid runs down my bare feet, but I do not feel anything other than the urge to get out of here and blast all this.

»Hide, Chloe. He definitely will cut your throat for this.«

»I'm his only daughter, he wouldn't.«

»Better stop that careless thinking and start looking eye-to-eye into reality.« and with that, I push the door open as fast as I can, reaching my goal; one of two guards breaks down on the ground, nose bleeding like a waterfall. The other one, though, is not; with one quick movement, he shoots forward as if awaited this situation.

Damn, Vermentro sent his best men.

I make it a short process. Back, down, a punch between the legs, him looking down, a punch against his chin. He staggers back, but I am faster than his reaction could ever be; soon enough, a black Shuriken of mine leaves his throat bubbling redly. I am up on my feet a second later.

My body feels numb, less energetic than I am used to. I have always had good reflexes and reactions, but I am slower now, caused by the lack of nourishment and water and sleep.

»Where did you hide them?« Chloe's voice is right behind me. I turn around in anger. How does she dare to follow me and stick on my arse?

I do not care to answer. »Go away. Hide, run, whatever. I won't protect you from being killed. You know that. This is no enemies to lovers' story.«

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