47 || Jealousy

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»And how you've been able to rescue Natasha without a single thing on her being burned, too.« Tony adds, his joking face exchanged to a very serious one in half the speed one of his card might goes from zero to a hundred.

James to my right is tensing, but leaves this situation for me to explain. »I did what needed to be done.«

At this, Steve turns his head, sky-blue eyes locking with mine. Somehow, this does not feel like the happy-humorous friendship we once had anymore. »Either you tell them, or I'll do it. Seriously, Nova, it's not like they couldn't figure it out anyways. Make it easier. And as you once outlined so nicely, a team only works when there's trust. Secret's do not help with that.«

»You should leave that choice to her. It's not like you possess the power, she does. Her decision. Keep yourself out of it.« James snarls, voice completely filled with every amount of life within him, almost threatening. I can feel the anger he does, but it is not affecting me in any way. Strange, how it is possible to have an emotion, yet to not have the need to react to it in the very least.

»You better shut your mouth about things like this. It's not like you're the best in team playing, either. Been alone for fucking decades. You've got no idea.« the blonde defends, grabbing the edge of the sofa in his front with both his hands, knuckles turning white.

Not a good time to 'Language' him, Nova. Not a good time.

James takes a step forward, more built up than before, shoulders at least as broad as Steve's in a fight. »And it's not like you have that much practice in leading a crew after being frozen for seventy years, either. You don't get to command people around as you may have been used to, Captain.« I have never heard James Buchanan Barnes pronounce anything as provoking as this very title of Steve Rogers.

The blonde scoffs, shaking his head in a quiet laughter, golden hair not shaking once, perfectly styled and in place as always. There is no light left in his eyes. »Is that the case? Nova's been very compliant when we were alone, though.«

I swallow, blink once while the room is filled with utter silence from one second to the other. No one dares to say a word, knowing this is very - and I repeat, very thin ice we are standing on. The tension is almost cuttable, like I just needed to pull out my Shuriken, throw an easy one and we would all drown in blood.

Then I blush, Tony, Sam and Bruce glancing back and forth in between the three of us with Natasha still unconscious, having no clue about what is going on.

I am not fast enough to stop James, not by hand. Within a second, fists clenched, he is on his way to Steve. The other one standing straight and walking around the couch, probably already angry about seeing me and James and needing to accept that, already too angry to listen to anything his best friend slash former love interest has to say. 

I am not fast enough by hand. But with something else, I am fast enough.

Just before James was in a place he could stretch his arm out and hit Steve, a sudden, golden firewall coming from the ground separates them. I have both my arms crossed, an eyebrow cocked, while both the boys jump back in surprise, getting away from the heated thread. Leading the roaring flames with only my mind, they reach from the couch to the wall, no way for either of them to get to the other without making themselves a fool.

Meanwhile, I can see Tony, Sam and Bruce shrugging, arming themselves and turning around to try and secure the area with a reflex that is almost impressive. Bruce already gets some greenly veins, and I decide it is better to say something before this hotel suite gets damaged. Or, rather, the entire hotel. »Keep calm, guys, the fire's on me.«

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