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»What do you mean, 'Get James out of here?'« I ask in total confusion. Minutely, a hundred possibilities run through my head, mind searching for the most plausible one.

I know Hydra is a terrorist organization, authoritarian. It meant some weird sort of peace through lack of freedom, with the Avengers going through a lot to push back during the last couple of years.

Perhaps, they simply fear it is too dangerous for James - something I would totally agree with. Reasonably, he should have stayed back, but he is stubborn like an ox. 

Maybe, James already is traumatized of something Hydra did. I mean, with his social job, he came through tons of places on earth, very probably including some of the worse criminal groups.

Could be both.

Or, for some reason, James has become a target of this certain group for rescuing people out of their claws, and therefore, they want to see him hanged.

I decide not to listen to Cap. In the end, it is far riskier to send him back alone. I am here to protect him; no one will even come close enough to harm him. And I will definitely not bring a six feet tall, well-built man back like I was his baby sitter: finding out what my brother is up to with the daughter of one of my worst enemies is more important.

Before the star-spangled man with a plan can even consider to answer, I kick the wooden door in. It opens in a fast bow, crashing into a bookshelf on the left. Again, everything I see first are wooden shelves, lighter coloured than the ground, in long rows. The ceiling is made of the same grey stone as the tunnel James and I came through, and the spot we stand in is in the most far corner of the room. As I know my brother, no one is allowed to walk in here but him and Chloe, perhaps, anyways, so there would be no point in hiding this entrance. The atmosphere is fateful, the sword of Damocles hovering above every single one of us.

Soon enough, I am in the middle of the room, having shaken off the discomfort and discovering it to be half library and half computer centre. It is dark, no windows anywhere, and with the only light coming from our flashlights, one or the other could consider it as spooky. The stone walls are high, five metres at least, and just that high are the shelves. The room has at least twenty-five metres in diameter, making it more a hall than a chamber. The shelves fill half of it like a maze, all their ends leading to a massive, dark wooden, Victorian desk with a fitting char in the middle, stellate. Everything is quiet, the silence before the storm. 

I am on Steve's opposite now, lighting directly in his face. He is so pale, he looks like a ghost. »Come on, James. We gotta go.« he commands sternly, leaving no room for counter.

»Have you lost your mind? He's not going back. We need everyone we got in here. And besides, he's protected best when he's with us.« I argue, stepping closer and pulling my eyebrows together angrily. Then, I remember he cannot see most of my facial expressions because of my mask and the dim light, so I decide to furiously glare at him instead.

Rolling his eyes, he walks pass me, grabbing James's arm. »Do not interfere in things you know nothing of, Nova.«

»Oh, please, all-knowing Steven, lighten me up.« I answer sarcastically, quickly appearing between both men and pushing Steve back.

He is surprised by my power, the energy of the blow of mine sending him flying against the desk. Something that is not possible if you are purely human, considered his existence being made of a strange combination in between our race and some chemicals. »Don't touch him.« I hiss.

»If I may-« James tries, but gets interrupted by a louder »No!« from both Steve and me.

»He's in danger here, Nova! Bring James back!« I recognize panic in Cap's eyes, his pupils widened, body contracted all over. He stands up again, driving a hand through his blond, short hair.

Secretive - Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now