59 || Lego Fortress

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Suddenly, I am not sure if James's plan has been his best.

Wind lashes against me, letting me hear a loud whistle. My face freezes, and although the other airplane is only a few feet below ours, I have one hell of a respect to jump. Of course, I would not show it, but nobody can tell me they would jump mid-air from a plane with over five hundred and sixty miles per hour to another daily. Plus, it may is not the best thing to barely see anything between thick clouds. At least, in this case not seeing a thing equals with not being seen.

Peter is the first to jump, and no one wonders why he is so chill about it. Having the abilities of a spider, he truly jumps and sticks on the surface like being made for it. He is the only one who does not need the special shoes Bruce Banner developed, making our steps solid, although it physically should not be possible.

Next one is Natasha, who needs to roll to get a hold on the not-so-white-anymore airplane underneath us. It looks worn and used, like already deserving residence but not getting it. I fear with every next jump that it breaks like thin glass, not able to hold another body's weight. 

While the first ones of us get inside to make space for the rest, Sam and Tony jump next. When it is Steve's turn, James squeezes my hand shortly, reassuring. He gestures, speaking an absolutely dead duck considering the height and its pressure, and the noises of two grand machines, for me to go first. He wants to make sure I land properly, without hurting or anything, and in case I miss, to jump after me, what is the most stupid idea of the day, because none of us has any parachutes. 

Sighing, I murmur some words of confidence to myself, before I step forward on the plane's wing. It are five metres of difference, perhaps a little more. If I die, I will escort James to hell personally for this hallucinatory fantasy, and everyone of the team for going through with it. Then, without letting any resistance being shown, I take another step, and fall.

My heart pumps like it tries to beat its way out of my chest. Every cell in my body stands on end, the unnatural feeling overwhelming. And the adrenaline, grabbing me in its fist and holding me tight, as if I was its precious little treasure. Somehow, I start grinning during the fall; everything else is forgotten but the pleasant panic in my body. Perhaps, I should enjoy myself a free fall more often. Seems like a good hobby.

Way too soon, the louder whistle ends, and I roll myself along the hard outside of the plane. Shortly after, I am already standing, head upwards to catch James mid-air. He seems so relaxed, like having done this already a hundred times and it is common practice for him. But I know this cannot be true; maybe, he is simply a show-off. He lands on both his feet, no pain of the landing visible, no jolt that definitely must have sent through his bones.

Smiling assuring, he immediately comes to me, arm across my neck and hand grabbing my shoulder, leading me to the open roof entrance.

Right before we step in, I pull him close, arms around the muscles protecting his rips, get on my tiptoes and kiss him on these soft lips. It is probably the most romantic thing I have ever experienced; standing on a plane across the Atlantic Ocean, wind howling around the bubble of James and me, should be freezing, but only the electric touch of his mouth on mine enough to warm me entirely.

His hands find their way into my neck, bringing my head in the right position, his tall and broad figure shielding and protecting me from everything evil. Not only butterflies, but an entire zoo spreads in my body, its core in my stomach and chest, and I cannot help but smile in the kiss, being the happiest girl on planet earth, no matter the circumstances or recent events. How does he do this?

While we land, some of Tony's devices, little drones and undiscoverable stuff like that, scan the area of the aforesaid fortress. We sneak out of the plane, during the last two hours of the flight hidden behind wooden boxes that disgustingly smelled like dead animals, and hide again in a small room we have for our own, inaudible from the outside in the airport.

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