69 || Keys

889 34 42

I barely have been so torn apart from a decision in my life.

A part of me wants to go there, now. I could end all this, set a stop without putting others in danger, getting my revenge without any help. How satisfying it would be to be the one destroying their obviously second largest or most important base. Getting justice for my brother's death, for them pulling him in with probably fake promises and telling him lies, confusing his sense of reality and truth.

On the other hand, there is a team also desperately searching for any hints. They worked all day and most likely start in less than three hours again. Becoming a part of them requires trust, and have I not recently had a conversation with Wanda for that kind of matter?

James told me good people can do bad things, too. Perhaps, it is time to do something they start valuing me for, something I can prove myself with, not being the monster that pops up in their minds whenever they look at me.

They would not go without me, would they? Hydra, after all, has been an enemy for years.
But then, they know the Vermentros have been mine.

I look up to the glass ceiling of the entrance, right above my head. Is it too much a risk to open up to them with this? They could become traitors, all of them, with one sudden movement. I cannot keep this a secret if I choose to let them know, but I feel tiredness pushing my eyelids down, me down, more and more, second by second. Would they fly to London, directly?

A sharp but soundless inhale pumps air into my lungs, when another fantastic tactic builds itself in my brain. I mean, they would not destroy London entirely to get to the accommodation, would they?

Closing my eyes, I hope that decision is not my last.

Then, I grab the book in one hand, hurrying to get to the side door and open it with my key. The elevator's level already is changing from the garage upwards, telling me Steve is on his way back and I need to jog to catch up with him.

When I hastily click the button, it turns up green around it, indicating the soon arrival. Then, the elevator doors open, revealing a confused-looking Captain America. Him not wearing a helmet the entire drive caused his hair to stand into every possible direction, and the blue spots right below his eyes have darkened.

»What took you so long?« he asks, deep voice raspy with concern. His eyes flicker up and down my body, searching for anything that would detect the answer, and finally resting on the book.

I step in, the doors closing behind my back.

You can do it, Nova. Share. Prove them Nat is wrong about you, and Steve and Wanda are right.

You can do it.

Sighing in tension, I lift the novel to indicate what I am talking about. »I found it right in front of the building.«

His cerulean eyes dart back to mine, locking with them, impatience making his muscles contract. The tiredness and puzzlement are gone completely, and he is ready to serve, as every good soldier should be within a second.
»I know where they hide.«

Usually, I am not one for public declarations of love, but now, I am very thankful for James's arm around my waist, his body positioned slightly behind me to the right. The strong smell of vanilla and, I still cannot find a better description, frozen river eases my heartbeat, calms me down while I try to keep my nerves together.

Never have I had something against being the centre of the show, the main character of a story, standing in the spotlight, but now, I am very uncomfortable. Steve and I let F.R.I.D.A.Y. wake up everyone in the tower, and now all of the bunch are looking at us like grumpy cats. Meanwhile, sun has risen, and the sky on our left enlightens the room in a gentle orange.

Secretive - Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now